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Summer Solstice - Celebrating Litha

Hey everyone! 👋

I have been having a rough time. Some of it is the stuff nearly all of us are dealing with, some of it is more personal, and then there are all the technical difficulties I have been experiencing. And so I am sorry this Sabbat post is shorter and coming so late!!

Litha or the Summer Solstice occurs tomorrow, June 21st. It is a celebration of the Sun and all its life giving qualities, as well as a time to acknowledge our own and others' strengths and successes. I have to admit that this is a tough Sabbat for me to really engage with. I struggle with feeling confident in myself and my efforts, and I also struggle to offer encouragement to others due to my social issues. But the sun reminds me that there is a season for pride, a time to shine brightly and share our light.

How do you feel about the Summer Solstice? Is this a time of year where you are typically able to access confidence or social engagement? Do you struggle with this time of year or with the themes of Litha? Let us know!

#ChronicIllness #Disability #Pagan #sabbat #Summersolstice #litha

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The Season of Beltane - A Time for Love and Art

The Season of Beltane is a celebration of romantic love, sexuality, and creativity. Traditionally, this would be a season of handfastings or weddings, with plenty of dance, music, arts, and the making of wishes. Since I am polyamorous, don't plan to marry, and struggle with shame around my sexuality due to religious trauma, I choose to view the romantic and sexual aspects of this holiday as a time to celebrate my relationships and my queer identity.

Beltane is also a timely season to embrace creative endeavors, harnessing the energy that may have begun to stir during the previous season and working with it. It is a reminder to not let that energy be stagnant, and to focus it into our desires and passions. The practice of making wishes is meant for the same purpose. I don't see these wishes as empty desires carried off by the wind. These wishes are more like promises or goals, which we are reminded to work towards. The reminder can be represented by a bright and shining ribbon tied to the branch of a tree, or by any other means that helps remind you of the path you seek to walk.

Let us know what you are up to this season! Are you getting into the spirit of Beltane through any of these activities or themes? Do you have other ideas or interpretations of this season? Have you considered any goals, hopes, or wishes for the next season? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

#sabbat #Beltane #creativity #Art #Love #Relationships #Wishes #goals