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Christmas is Ending

The #Holidayseason is coming to a close. But a new #Season is coming! ❄️☃️🌬️🌨️ While many places are covered in snow, Florida was covered with chilly weather and frost.

Today is a lot warmer than it was days before, but by Friday it will be 80°. We had weather in the 30's and 40's which is extremely cold for Florida. We have had to cover previous plants and other vegetations too.

It's scary but I am purely knowledgeable when it comes to how Florida always tries to fight to stay warm. I wonder about things going on with weather and #globalwarming and how things relate to my #MentalHealth .

I am looking forward to #2023 because I know that it is one month closer to my birthday month. I tend to celebrate Mardi Gras and my Birthday all together because my birthday is in February. Mardi Gras at Universal begins in February and usually lasts about 2 months. They have parades and dancing and beads and foods. It's a Family Friendly event. That's why I like it.

Christmas this year was a little different. Have you ever experienced the idea of having #holidayexpectations that were just unrealistic? We do not live in a lifetime movie. This year, I had very little of that, and instead just had a good time.

How about you? #howareyou ?


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What makes you #smile ?

This time of year can mean a mess of emotions for many people. Some may have #lost a family members, a friend or relative this year... some maybe lost their #Job . Some may have trouble with the change of the #Season and experience depressive emotions. Other people may very very busy and stressed out at their jobs. But... What makes you smile?

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#SBS #Menu for #Festive #Season #saferecipies

"Tomorrow is never promised " I life in the moment & do the best I can do every day. I also would like something nice, exiting & new to eat. Please In Box me some safe recipes. I am living in Namibia, no special catering for Rare Disease Illnesses. Thank you in advance

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