Spinal pain does not stop nor can it be ignored during this time of physical isolation. Like everyone else I am concern about the Coronavirus, my family, the economy and so much more. The stress of the unknown and instability just weighs on the body like a truck. And for those of us suffering from spinal pain it just makes the pain so much worse. That combined with having to stay home with very little mobility it’s a recipe for painful disaster.

That’s why I am being very intentional about staying as active as possible while still maintaining physical distancing. For me I chose to continue my physical therapy at home on my own based on what I remember from my therapy sessions as well as doing core exercises. All I need is a mat, 2 lbs weights and bands. I also go for walks every day to strengthen my heart and get some cardio. Lastly I am very selective with what I eat by avoiding foods that cause inflammation like dairy, gluten and sugars. I also increased in my diet things like ginger, mint, turmeric, spirulina, fish and avocado.

Staying physically active in conjunction with reading, praying and journaling is helping me mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically which reduces my pain. I recommend that those dealing with spinal pain or any physical pain, try to stay active. Find what works for you, whether yoga, floor exercises, walking, meditation or any other way to keep your body active. There are great videos on all types of physical activities on uTube. Do a little research on which ones you want to try then set up a daily routine for yourself. You’ll be glad you did. #COVID19 #spinehealth #spine #Fitness #quarantine #SpinalPain