Thoughts on Work books?
So I have been really struggling with my bpd lately and I felt so helpless and I feel like therapy doesn’t help because when it comes down to it not even my therapist will ever truly understand my day to day struggle or what racks and ruins my brain. No mater how many ways I can try to explain it to her so she’ll get it. I feel extra alone and isolated and the anxiety and frustration with not knowing my emotions or thoughts and how to deal with them was just building and building recently so I was looking on Amazon and ended up ordering a highly recommended workbook specifically for bpd. And even tho obviously (by the 17.8k reviews) many people have proudly or not so proudly purchased and used this work book. I can’t help but feel embarrassed? I don’t want people to think I’m hyper focused on my personality disorder because it makes me “special” or “important” but it’s really because I have no idea where to begin on how to handle this disorder that I have recognized everywhere in my past but have only been able to put a reason/explaination recently with the new diagnosis with bpd. All of the years of not knowing how different my brain really is made me feel crazy and insane and irrational. I’m enormously scared of slipping in to that feeling again because of my lack of progress or understanding of myself. So I ordered the book. I’m scared I’m spending money on things like this and that it won’t truly help me but I don’t know what else to do anymore. What should I do? Was it a dumb purchase? Can nothing or no one help me? Im sorry for the rant that is probably very confusing. My mind is alphabet soup lately. #help #symptomsofbpd #Ranting