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New here #lookingforanswers

Hi I am new here. You can call me Bird for short. I have multiple chronic illnesses and am a childhood trauma survivor. It’s all too much to list in an introductory post but they include #heart , #Neurological , #gastrointestinal , #vision disorders and more. I have been through 2 longish term relationships, one was an engagement, but I don’t know how to have/ find a healthy one because men have to get past/ not take advantage of my illnesses ( I am a 40ish f that just appears a little younger but I feel like I’ve missed out on everything I should have done by this time because I’ve been sick at home most of the last 10+ years) how do I find someone who understands? Even friends? When I can’t drive… If anyone can relate and has figured this out please let me know. #lookingforfriends #lookingfornormal


Causing FM severe Vision loss?

I have 10% vision back and the doctors can’t find a eyedisease.
My theory is my vision loss is caused by my fibromyalgia. But can FM causing so severe vision loss?
I mean the Fibromyalgia effects the central nervous system where vision is part of that system.
#Fibromyalgia #VisionLoss #vision


Share your experience with fibromyalgia and connect with people who support you.

Trust your body

Listen to your body when you feel that something is off. Don’t ignore how you feel. Trust your gut.

For the past few weeks I’ve been experiencing flashing lights in my right eye. I got an emergency appointment with my retina specialist today and he found an Operculated Retinal Hole. He did a laser procedure on it, along with some of my abnormal vasculature of my retina. It was so painful and I’m struggling with a lot of pain in my eye and head all around the area. It will take a few weeks to heal and hopefully seal the hole. Hopefully after the hole is sealed the flashing lights should subside. I have an appointment in two weeks to get re-scanned. I have to rest and take it easy now.

I was going to wait it out and ignore my symptoms because if everything looked “okay” I didn’t want to waste my doctors time. Ultimately, after my mom and my neurologist persuading me to go, I made an appointment and I’m so glad I did. It’s better to be safe than sorry, and in this case, I was experiencing vision symptoms of an emergency that could and probably would’ve turned much worse had I not gone to the doctor.

#trustyourbody #LegallyBlind #Blind #Blindness #blindnessisaspectrum #blindnessawareness #VisionLoss #VisuallyImpaired #vision #retina


New community for those with monocular vision

Hey everyone! If you or a loved one experiences #monocular #vision and you'd like a safe space to ask questions, reach out for support, and share some tips on how to cope with #VisionLoss , consider joining the #Community that is linked below!

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I have been having some #vision problems. I do wear bifocals but some days I can't see for looking. Does anyone else have this problem?
