Little Miss Sunshine
Ah what a crack-up this afternoon!
Laughter is the best medicine!
I definitely needed that pick-me-up this week!! I don't recall having that laugh-cry moment at all this year with someone else or within a group setting.
It happened today via video chat!😆😂🤪
I'm hopeful I will pass tomorrow's SIMS (simulation) assessment with my partner.
I'm super relieved we got a last minute practice in earlier today. 👌🏼
This is another one of those super appreciative posts
A shout out to my classmates: 🥰
Greatly appreciate the ongoing support and positive feedback they have given me and my partner in the past two weeks.
Note to self:💜
You don't realise how much support you have when you keep it to yourself,
be more accepting and open to others.
It goes a long way to just let go of your mistakes.
Don't be a stranger,
show up!
Let positive vibes manifest in your life!!!!
#Bekindtoyourself #MentalHealth #selfcarelounge #Selflove #thriving #positive #womenempoweringwomen