Simply not here
Why do I feel like I am not here. Like I am a body but no person. The body is material and yet with no soul or person what will the mind do. The mind is empty of all and yet so full. It wont stop it just keeps moving and going. The struggle to slow it is beyond compare. So hard is it to just be who I know I am. People pushing me to do things I am not yet ready to do. Pushing to solve all problems at once to help when I myself am struggling. Oh what to do. Do I go with my thoughts and so people see the pain or do I keep it in my mind and hide it all from the world from this dear to me. Yet those dear to me seem to bot understand. I am not them I am me and I am a nobody cause i am a no person with a empty mind but yet not empty. #MentalHealth #Depression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Worriedaboutfuture #SuicidalThoughts