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How do you cope with chronic illness and health issues emotionally and physically?

Thankfully I don’t struggle with a chronic illness or disability but my mom has some and it’s really sad to see her constantly in pain I wish I could help more. How do you cope if you struggle this way as well? 💕💕💕 #chronichealth #healthissues #coping #thriving #illness #question #Disability #Abilities

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Everyone is different & the smart ones are the ones getting help. Maybe we aren’t the ones with the disabilities. We just talk about it & get help.

I think everyone has a disability of some kind. But we are the intelligent ones talking about it & getting the help we need. What about the rest of the world? The silent ones? Do you think they are perfect & have nothing wrong with them? Sure. I think they just hide their problems, illnesses & disabilities and they are the quiet ones watching us enviously as we fight to get the help we need. No matter what others may think of us. The others are hiding in shame as they realize they really aren’t perfect after all but would never admit it out loud. They continue to exist & keep their problems to themselves & all the while they are getting worse alone, no courage to speak the unforgivable words that they just might not be so perfect after all. We are the smart ones & keep fighting til the end. We have a voice and everyone can hear it and wish that they had the same strength and a voice of their own. LOVE TO YOU ALL! Jeri ♥️. #fightforyourlife #livinglife #useurvoice #beheard #Disabilities #Abilities #einstein #toomanybrains #harddriveisfull #invisibledisabilities #Bipolar #PTSD #Epilepsy #TBI #BUYPOLAR

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