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I am looking for your truth.

What does forgiveness mean to you? I have been told that forgiveness is the only way forward in my healing journy. I dont think forgiveness is mandatory when you have had the life i have lived. I dont even truly know how i survied other then to spite my entire family. But as not to trigger any one i will just say it was a childhood i would not wish on my enemy.

And not i just need to know others thoughts. Please and thank you.#question #CPTSD #ThankYou

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Does the Mighty have group chats?

I forget if they do? But would love to use them if so! Anyone know how to access them if they are on the app? Thanks! 😊 #web #App #MightyTogether #question #help

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How do you cope with chronic illness and health issues emotionally and physically?

Thankfully I don’t struggle with a chronic illness or disability but my mom has some and it’s really sad to see her constantly in pain I wish I could help more. How do you cope if you struggle this way as well? 💕💕💕 #chronichealth #healthissues #coping #thriving #illness #question #Disability #Abilities

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Annoying eye twitch that won't go away. #Undiagnosed #eyetwitch #concern #question

So i have an eye twitch I've been dealing with for months it'll go away then come right back. I lost my mom back in April unfortunately, i drink coffee and pop, am attempting to cut back, smoke cigs and weed, never dealt with it with either of those, got insomnia from my mom and have always been a night person. Have an appointment with optho on the 12th, but wanted to know if i was the only one???

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Are the terms “high-functioning” and “low-functioning” actually harmful? /genq

Because I don’t mind being labeled as “high-functioning” as an autistic individual. Is that wrong?

Of course autism is a spectrum. Traits that someone does and doesn’t show doesn’t make them any less autistic. No matter if they’re labeled high-functioning or low-functioning, they’re still autistic. Of course they are!

I saw a Pinterest post showing example “A and B are both autistic” and that said “there’s no such thing as ‘high-functioning’ and ‘low-functioning’” and that “those terms are harmful to use towards the autistic community.” I do agree that it shouldn’t be used on entire groups, especially on those who don’t like it, (just like how the terms “disability” or “disorder/ASD” shouldn’t be used on everyone) but what about for those who don’t mind being labeled as high-functioning and maybe reclaim it, such as myself? Is that wrong? Because I felt kind of offended by that post.

I don’t like gatekeeping, so I hate folks/folx telling me what I should and shouldn’t be comfortable with labeling myself.

#MyAutismIsNotADisorder #question #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Autistic #IsThisRight #Labels

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#question for the group

Has anyone heard of or experiencing Diurnal Mood Didorder ( a type of Depression sometimes called Morning Depression)?

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Who is your favorite ASMRtist?

If you listen to ASMR…

1). Which channels do you watch for fun?
2). Are there any channels you watch for your mental health?

#question #MentalHealth #coping #DistractMe

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Can dog owners answer this??? | TW dog aggressiveness, mentions of bites, family

We’ve been petsitting a dog for like 2 months. I’ve just been around him yesterday. I always see him everyday. He’s 2 years old and a Chow Chow, if that helps. I was close to him yesterday and just petted him yesterday and it was fine. Sometimes, he’d walk up to me to say hi, and it was fine.

This month, he has bit me twice (nothing serious, just a scratch) once when I was walking up to him just to say hi (and I usually do that until he bit me one time), and once when I was trying to move around him. When I was walking up to him this morning (it wasn’t even going to be that close because I was being cautious), he started running up to me aggressively as if he was going to bite me. He did this another time this month, too.

This has only happened to me. Well, he acted aggressive towards my mother once, but most have happened to me. Do dogs just not want to like certain individuals?? Was he just in a bad mood?? Why does he not like me??

And of course, because I’m autistic, it makes me sad and even scared, especially since my sister (the main petsitter) is moving and getting married meaning the dog is likely to stay a few more months until they move. I know I shouldn’t take it personally and that he’s just a dog, but this has only happened to me and the fourth time he’s been aggressive with me when we see each other literally everyday. I’m so confused and so is everyone else.

#MyAutismIsNotADisorder #Anxiety #SocialAnxiety #dog #Family #confused #question #petsitting

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