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A Lifelong Love of Music and Pop Culture

Pop culture has been my trusty sidekick since childhood, starting when I was a kid and getting to pick the music for my heart catheterization. That small, seemingly insignificant moment was the beginning of my lifelong love of music. Although my parents instilled in me a passion for music, it's grown exponentially over the years. In fact, I spent nearly 20 years as a Virtual DJ!

Chronic health issues can be a rollercoaster ride when you feel like you have no control over all the twists and turns life and our health can take. But through it all, pop culture has been a beacon of light for me, a portal to worlds of wonder and excitement, bringing joy and comfort even in the darkest of times.

Video games, movies, books, and music have been my ultimate escape, providing comfort and joy in the face of adversity. Today, various genres of music, along with other forms of entertainment, continue to help me manage my mood and anxiety, from calming ocean sounds for relaxation to classical music for battling insomnia.

P.S. You might be curious about my name. I'll admit, that I wasn't always a fan of the 'princess' title, but I've come to embrace it because, to me, princesses represent hope, dreams, and all things positive.

#pace #chronichealth  #musictherapy #copingmechanisms #chronicwarrior #hopeanddreams

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How do you cope with chronic illness and health issues emotionally and physically?

Thankfully I don’t struggle with a chronic illness or disability but my mom has some and it’s really sad to see her constantly in pain I wish I could help more. How do you cope if you struggle this way as well? 💕💕💕 #chronichealth #healthissues #coping #thriving #illness #question #Disability #Abilities

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Long Tims No Talk! #Marriageissues #chronichealth #Marriage

Good afternoon! We are on our 25th wedding anniversary trip!! We were commenting on the nite of our anniversary “we actually made it!” Hopin g you all have been coping with all of our life issues!! I know having chronic illnesses is hard as hell but it’s even tougher trying to manage a family too!! Stay strong my friends !

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Good news! (And a rant).

Hey, everyone. How was your Christmas? Mine was pretty awful, honestly. I'll try and explain it as best as I can.

Around 4 years ago, my mum was talking to my big sister (her name is Dawn), and she told her about my health conditions/problems. Dawn then proceeded to accuse me of faking my health issues. Despite the many scans and test results clearly showing they are real. And then, shortly afterwards, she said that any gifts or presents I buy for people for birthdays/christmas (and everything else) are worthless because the money comes from a 'government handout' (disability benefits). After learning this, I refused to talk to her unless she apologises. So, we didn't talk for several years.

My little sister (Jess) gave birth to my nephew in 2021, and I love him very much. Since Dawn doesn't live near us, she was only able to visit this passed Christmas, and she stayed at Jess's house for two weeks.

Originally, before Dawn announced she would be coming, the whole family was going to go to Jess's house for Christmas dinner and whatnot... But once she booked her tickets and everything, Jess said that I wasn't allowed to go to the event. I wasn't allowed to spend time with the whole family. Which REALLY upset me. So much so, that I seriously comfort-ate for a couple of weeks. I was binge-eating whatever I could get my hands on. And I spent the entire of Christmas day curled up in bed watching stuff on my laptop. It was my first Christmas alone and I hated it.

Anyway, that leads up to the good news. I was really expecting my diabetes to be so much worse, and I was expecting to have put on a lot of weight. So, I reluctantly went for my weight and diabetes check last week. After they recorded my weight, they told me that since last July, I've lost 20lbs! And my HBA1C blood test came back yesterday - it's not worse! In July it was 63, and as of yesterday, it was 62. Admittedly, it's not much progress, but considering I was expecting it to be a disaster, I feel pretty good.

Anyway - I'm sorry for this rant, I guess. I just needed to get it out. Thank you for getting this far, though. Have a great day!

#chronicillnesswarrior #chronichealth #ChronicPain #POTS #POTSUK #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #EDS #NAFLD #InterstitialCystitis #BladderPain #BPD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Familydrama #Depression #PTSD #Migraines #Diabetes #diabetic #WeightLoss

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💗Trying To End The Year Positively 💗

As it’s the end of what has been a very difficult year for so many of us, for one reason or another. So, rather than face the fast approaching New Year with sadness, disappointment, and dread, I would like to try to end the year on a positive note by thinking of the GOOD things that have happened to me in 2022. Three GOOD things that happened to me this year are:
1) Discovered a new hobby,
2) Attended events that had been rescheduled from 2020,
3) Becoming part of an amazing FND support network!

Can you name 3 GOOD things that have happened to you this year?

#MentalHealth #mentalhealthmatters #ChronicDepression #Depression #Anxiety #Disability #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #JointHypermobilitySyndrome #ChronicIllness #chronichealth #ChronicPain #ChronicMigraines #Grief #MightyMinute #MightyTogether #ChronicFatigue #SpoonTheory #Spoonie #PositiveThinking

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📺 Chronic Illness on TV Vs Chronic Illness Reality 📺

When you live with a chronic illness, especially when it’s something like FND, then your medical experiences are never like the ones you see on TV! On TV there’s always a magical cure for everything, regardless of what it is, whereas in reality, if the doctors can’t see it, or understand it, then they basically just don’t believe it. If they don’t have a “quick fix”, or even just a “fix” at all, then they simply don’t want to know, they treat you as if “it’s all in your head”, and they dismiss your concerns as if they’re nothing. All of which ends up causing us even more problems in the forms of Depression and Anxiety, as well as reduced self-confidence and self-belief. 🤷🏻‍♀️🙄🥺💔
#InvisibleIllness #InvisibleDisablity #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #chronichealth #ChronicDepression #Depression #Anxiety #MentalHealth #NotOnTV #Disability #MightyTogether #Asthma #JointHypermobilitySyndrome #JHS #ChronicMigraines #Migraines #Headache #ChronicHeadaches #ChronicFatigue #Insomnia

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🤔 Why can’t they just agree?! 🤷🏻‍♀️

I’m pretty sure that anyone living with chronic pain/health issues will have heard the phrase “You need to listen to your body.” I know that I’ve heard it more times than I can count, and I suspect that I’m not the only one who has lost count of how many times they’ve heard it over the years. In theory, it sounds simple enough - do what your body tells you to do, when your body tells you to do it - but, in reality, it’s no where near as easy as it seems because trying to get your brain to agree with your body can be quite the challenge. It’s like your brain says “Let’s do this…” or “Let’s do that”, while your body says “There’s no way I’m doing that! I’m way too sore/exhausted to be doing anything.” It’s like trying to referee a debate that only you can hear. Wouldn’t it be great if the two could just get along with each other every once in a while? 🤷🏻‍♀️🤔🤗😂
#ChronicPain #chronichealth #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #FND #JointHypermobilitySyndrome #JHS #Disability #MightyMinute #52SmallThings #MightyTogether #MakeMeLaugh #SpoonieProblems #SpoonTheory #LetsLaughTogether #ShareTheLaughter

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'Road trip'

I am on a road trip to find happiness and better health, the roads I will be traveling connect all the things inside and around me. Some days I will travel backwards, but only for moments so I can allow myself to heal from those things in the right way so I can finally move on to the route of a better future for myself.  The road to self acceptance and self love are anything but a smooth ride for many of us, but I think it's the right direction to take... so I'm starting my engine. ♡













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Please, watch this movie!

It might not change anything for you... but with the off chance it might change everything like it has for me since watching it about a month ago... I think it's worth checking out for so many people, epically those with so many physical issues that have never been properly diagnosed and also possibly have a life long history of trauma that you've never properly healed from... upon other things.

Maybe it will help, maybe it won't... but if this post somehow helps someone... I think that's more than worth it.















Don't come to Canada expecting they have good Healthcare.

Why do chronic illness patients not go to emerge when they are pretty much on their death bed?

Because we would rather die in the comfort of our own beds home alone than to deal with dr's that continually treat you like it's all in your head.

With this covid crap and not being able to have anyone go in with you to advocate for you when it literally hurts to breathe let alone speak and you are too weak to walk let alone try to stand up for yourself, not that they wouldn't just brush you off like they always do because it's not an easy answer...

Fuck the system. Like fuck it so fucking hard.

What I've been experiencing is far from 'normal' and no one should have to live a life where they wonder if this is going to be the day they die or not. The day that they fall asleep and never wake up again...
Not being able to drink without severe pain, let alone eat for days and far too weak to even walk with a walker because your severe chest pain that has been going on for weeks has begun to also start sending shooting pains into your back, arms, shoulders, neck, jaw, legs... not to mention how often your limbs go numb for no reason... upon many many other symptoms... including the fact that at the beginning of June I weighed at least 135lbs and now weigh a whole 105lbs and seem to keep losing more every day... even when I am able to eat. They told me to follow up with my family dr even though i told them multiple times that I don't even have one. The dr's here won't even give you the time of day when it comes to actually listening to all of your symptoms.
They wouldn't even do a covid test either... and if i want to get tested I'm expected to go to the testing center. Hahaha... that's a joke right? So much about that useless hospital is a joke though to say the least. I haven't even been well enough to go get my essential medication at my pharmacy... and it's not something that I can just simply ask them to deliver... but the place prescribing it to me expects me to go to the pharmacy every damn day to pick it up and doesn't seem to be trying to figure out another option for me.

This is shit. How do people expect you to not just want to die when this is literally your life... when really, it isn't life at all. It's a long slow painful death... but remember to smile and stay positive right?...
