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Feeling very uncomfortable lately. Nothing feels quite right, everything is a bit too scratchy or heavy or painful. Usual methods like heat cream, hot water bottles, tramadol, normal meds, pillows, bra less ness etc not working. I’ve ordered some more CBD capsules to try. It’s not even like I’m in more pain than normal, everything is just... uncomfortable. urgh. #Uncomfortable #Painrelief #Pain #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Fibromyalgia #Depression #Insomnia #Sleep #CBD #tramadol #Advice #Anyadvicehelps

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Everyday struggles

I am a certified peer specialist as well as a mental health technician at my local psychiatric hospital. I am 30 years old and it took me 20 plus of those 30 years to realize that I want to show hope that there is recovery to mental health diagnoses. I have been coping with my mental health for 16 years and there are days that are so good and then days that are just right horrible. I have been diagnosed with PTSD, depression, bipolar, and anxiety. There are days where I don’t want to move from bed and then there are days when I am a bright ball of sunshine. Lately the what if’s and my anxiety have been teaming up and kicking my butt. I am at my wits end because it seems nothing that I do is helping. Is there any ideas you guys have to help with this? It’s making my life and my fiancé’s life horrible. I have my own advice and my own tools to help me but they don’t even seem to be helping anymore.
##beinginsidemyownhead #Notfun #Anyadvicehelps

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