Define happy? What is happiness to you? I know how to smile, laugh and enjoy people but is that being happy?? Do you know what I know more? The thing that has been my best friend for as long as I can remember? Depression. I know sadness like it’s my favourite song. I know crying til I sleep. I know the ache in my heart and the matching one in my head. I know loneliness. I know for the most part, id rather be alone. But why? Because life and people terrify me. Life, because let’s be honest, it can be pretty hard going sometimes.. And people, oh.. People.. They know how to break you, destroy you.. They use you, abuse you.. I’m not entirely sure what my point was now but, sigh.. I just want to be “HAPPY”
#Depression #Anxiety #Loneliness #Sadness #MentalHealth #CheckInWithMe #tired #Broken #SocialAnxiety #HugsNeeded