A trail of dead bodies where my good intentions are supposed to be.
I shut down and shut everyone out when I get anxious, depressed and manic. After months of avoiding everyone I know I'm finally feeling friendly again. I've been apologizing to friends for ghosting on them with no warning. They seem to understand but I low key know some are offended. I just can't drag my friends into the brutal worlds I enter when in a bipolar episode. I try to protect them and I just end up hurting feelings. I have a really hard time reaching out for help because I feel like my bipolar disorder isn't accepted. I always feel guilty about how I cope.
#BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #dualdiagnosis # friendships #Family #iwishtheyunderstood #mental health # rejected if i dont act right#bipolarepisodes #Depression #Anxiety #Sadness #enduring #imsorry #extremeguilt #im horrible at Relationships