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Concern re treatment for friend

I have a special friend who has lived through an extremely abusive and traumatic life and has severe alcoholism as well as very severe BPD to the point where she's placed caring people's lives in tremendous danger when going through massive psychotic splits. Its at a level where she's going to promote her own greatest fear of getting arrested sooner than not if she's not helped.

She recently relapsed in terms of her severe alcoholism and hoping she can find a way to make that transient...however, she's also come to the realization that she's had BPD for many years and that it's deeply harmed multiple lives.

She definitely wants to treat it. But is at a loss as to how to find NY providers that truly understand BPD. And that also take medicaid as she Unfortunately, does not have private insurance.

Insights would be much appreciated as untreated she's at the precipice of horrific outcomes. BPD fuels the alcohol, which then also fuels extreme BPD rage. And she's been hospitalized half a dozen times in regards to alcohol in the last 9 months alone.

Feel like she's too close to dying. If alcohol detox needed again, im worried her bidy cant take it. Shes only in her 30s and treating her tormenting BPD symptoms is likely so critical to finally progress to a happier place, but she does not know how to start given the limitations.

Any useful insights would be much appreciated. 🙏

#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BPD #BPDRage #help #seekingtreatment #treatment #Crisis #Crisis

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Borderline Personality Disorder + Calming Down Your Rage!

Take a jog Take a run around the neighborhood Put your headset on an listen to some smooth jazz music or classical music walk outside when listening to this music to calm your nerves. Talk it out to yourself by yourself verbally Drive to the park like you got sense and not driving like a mad man/woman (we do this because we're angry at the world for the moment) Drive to the park and take a walk around the park to get your thoughts together, if your spouse/friend calls you, don't answer use text instead so you don't say the wrong thing especially if they are who your upset with. Tell them you had a major panic / anxiety attack, and you will call them in 1 hour you can tell them your whereabouts. Walk outdoors if you're in the house and look at the sky and take a deep breath of fresh air and close your eyes for a few seconds Go to the ice cream stand like Baskin Robins and buy you a ice cream cone Don't go making large purchases. Calm down before making any major purchases because your impulse buying Don't drink liquor, it may escalate the situation. #BPD #mentaldisorder #BPDRage

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Borderline + Why Rage Happens

Borderline rage, or borderline anger, is more than just a standard emotional reaction. In the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), anger in BPD is described as "inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger."

The reason anger in BPD is called “inappropriate,” is because the level of anger seems to be more intense than is warranted by the situation or event that triggered it.

For example, a person with BPD may react to an event that may seem small or unimportant to someone else, such as a misunderstanding, with very strong and unhealthy expressions of anger, including:

Physical violence



This is resembled very well in LMN Movies, but the LMN Movies in my opinion are a lot more extreme, we do attempt to calm ourselves down and focus on the effects of our actions... I have Quiet bpd, so I just direct the majority of my anger inward towards myself! And only 15% outward toward others mine is only yelling and sarcasm but I tend to curve that to a minimum by just walking away from the situation to cool down. Then re-approach the situation with a milder tone.

#BPD #BPDRage #bpdsplitting #MentalIllness

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“It’s Not All About You” #BPDRage

It’s not all about you when you have things to do,
It’s not all about you when each day you struggle to get through,
It’s not all about you when many days you prefer to lie,
It’s not all about you when your soul wants to die,
It’s not all about you when the pain gets so bad all you want to do is cringe,
It’s not all about you when you can’t even smell hair singe,
It’s not all about you when each and every day you tell yourself it will be okay,
Just so you can make it through another messed up day. #PTSDisnojoke