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This quote from SpiderMan explains how I feel:

Tonight, as I type this, is exactly four weeks since my partner left me, over the phone. We had plans, a life, and a future to live and it’s been shattered. I feel confused and have so many questions. I haven’t spoken to him since. Four weeks feels like no time and also, so much time.

In an interview, Andrew Garfield shared how his grief on losing his mother made him feel. I broke down when I heard him say it, because it resonates with how I feel during this time so exactly:

“I hope all this grief stays with me because it’s all the unexpressed love that I didn’t get to tell them.”

I get plenty of advice and opinions on the kind of person my partner is and what I deserve, so please refrain from commenting on that. This grief sits with me and the questions won’t leave. But this is why.

#Anxiety #breakup #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #IOP #Grief

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This was Day 20 of no contact after a breakup almost four weeks ago. I am feeling SO guilty for hoping he will come back. I’m surrounded by media and friends saying “let him go,” “heal yourself,” “the right one won’t leave,” “you deserve better” and “don’t look back.” All of those phrases, and more, feel like extra pain on top of what’s happened. He was not a bad person. We were doing great. He left abruptly and suddenly and I have no answers. Just looking to see if others have been affected by messages like these that they see/hear from others…

I don’t know how to validate my feelings either. They all feel wrong. I feel guilty for feeling them. I feel guilty for believing or hoping for reconciliation. I’m in the rabbit hole.

#MentalHealth #Anxiety #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #Grief #breakup

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Podcast Recs Plz!

Looking for comforting/informative/entertaining podcasts for someone surviving a breakup and dealing with worsening mental health. NOT looking for relationship, (toxic) positivity, or gaming pods. I’ve been listening to Am I A Bad Therapist? and really enjoy it. TYIA! #Anxiety #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #breakup #IOP #Podcasts

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Breakup Grief

Hi. I’m new to Mighty, I joined because I was abruptly dumped almost a month ago and have struggled with life since. I know my person is still alive, but I still feel this deep grief since we haven’t spoken since this happened. I’m in therapy and have begun treatment in an IOP but don’t see how to cope with the loss. Lots of my thoughts feel wrong and I’m hard on myself. If anyone has been here for similar reasons, I’d love to hear your stories. If you’ve been in IOP, I’d love to share in the experience with you. I know my grief is different than many others here, but it feels impossible. Thank you for reading ❤️ #Anxiety #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #Grief #breakup #IOP

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New here

I’m here because I was dumped over the phone and for some reason, it’s sent me to a difficult place. I’m getting outpatient support and have started in IOP. I’m wondering if there are others here who have had worsening mental health after a breakup and want to know that I’m not alone. #Anxiety #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #IOP #breakup

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A Letter To My Ex

I was planning to send this letter to my ex but everyone advised me against doing it. I'm sharing it maybe you help me get some insights how to get over this experience.#Relationships #breakup #past

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Been feeling low last couple days about my breakup earlier this year. Everybody talks about moving on and looking forward but stop rushing me! I need to grieve and feel this. #breakup #Bipolar #Anxiety

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I found an old video of me talking when I was happy. I was talking about going to see a wedding venue. We split up this year. What bothers me is how happy I look, my mannerisms. I feel like complete opposite person.. I don't speak confidently or smile or be confident like that. It's so unbearable to be where I am right now. I feel like I will never be happy and sometimes I wish I could end it all. #Suicide #breakup #Homeless

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Is It Ok That I'm Doing Nothing?

I haven't experienced a single moment of joy in just over a year (not even a slight exaggeration).

Since my boyfriend and I broke up last May and my best friend of 22 years ended our friendship due to inability to tolerate my emotional breakdown, I haven't been happy, I haven't laughed genuinely, felt clear-headed, inspired, motivated or hopeful in any sense.

I attempted getting back into the dating world only to find myself in an abusive relationship that made me feel much worse (I've luckily been out of that now for 2 weeks).

I've up-ed my anti-depressant dosage from 10mg to 20mg which is still rather low. I'm even considering coming off them in fear they are to blame for my zombie-like state.

At least when I was in said abusive relationship we were going out to do things, restaurants, nature walks, family events, etc. Now all I can manage to do when I get home from work is sit on the couch, and scroll on my phone while the TV plays in the background until I fall asleep. I've gained 5-8 pounds.

I feel traumatized. Not mentioning all I've been through in the past but just within the last year. I feel paralyzed and afraid that I will never a joyful moment ever again. Every once in a while I will force myself to partake in one of my hobbies or visit with a friend. But I dread the commute home each day because I know I'm driving home to a lonely Hell on Earth.

Is it ok to hide from the world for awhile? Is it ok to do nothing until I feel right again?

#MentalHealth #breakup #Heartbroken #PTSD #Trauma #Depression

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I like being alone. But not like this.

I can’t describe the kind of loneliness and pain I am currently through. I can’t talk to anyone about what I’m really feeling. I literally have no friends to turn to. I just got out of a 3 year relationship. My first relationship. And as gay guy. It’s been 13 weeks now, and I’m still struggling to cope. We didn’t end things badly. He broke up with me and asked if all the things he mentioned was true or not and I agreed. We both decided it’s better. We still care so much for each other but ae don’t really talk. I stayed with him for those 3 years and now I had to move back to my hometown with my parents. Now my support system (parents) are not that great. They don’t know how to deal with someone going through what I’m feeling. We can’t discuss it. Ever since o was a child also. Nothing. They also don’t fully accept that I’m gay and they think it is a choice. So I just sit with my thoughts. Alone. Going insane. I’ve been praying to God to help me every night. I’m seeing my psychiatrist next week after waiting for these past 12 weeks. Finally. Someone can finally sit and listen to my story. I hope he can help. Because I feel lost. And and also I’ve been diagnosed with severe depression, anxiety and bipolar since 2016. So it’s total hell for me. #Nofriends #breakup #heartbreak #lonely #lost #Someonesaveme #BipolarDepression #Anxiety #Grief

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