I saw him today
Hey Mighty,
As you may know from following along with my journey, I was left by my partner in June of 2024 and had to deal with getting money back and not having answers, etc. ever since.
I walked into a concert with some friends this afternoon and saw this man on the stage in front of us. He was in the show.
This was the first time I had seen him since before he left me. I remember the week before, he showed up with my favorite Starbucks drink before we both had to go to work. That memory gets hazier every day, but it came back strong today.
I went to intensive outpatient programming to deal with the crisis following the separation and have made many life changes since then.
I think the word I would use to describe how I felt looking at this small man on the big stage is “strong.” I still feel many things, but I was strong today and proud to stand with my grief, sadness, anger and strength.
P.S. my friends think he saw us and freaked out, so that was exciting :)