Changing The Language
I don't like when someone calls antidepressants/anti-anxiety pills "happy pills", or meds for bipolar or other conditions "crazy pills. It's inaccurate and inappropriate. The pills help a person stabilize to a functional level, they are not the key to happiness. And it's degrading to use the term "crazy" for a health condition.
I have told my mom that I don't like the term "happy pills". She says my sister calls her meds her "happy pills" so it's ok. I still don't think so.
Have you heard these terms? What did you do and how did you feel when you heard them?
#EndTheStigma #Depression #Anxiety #Antidepressants #antianxiety #Medication #BipolarDisorder #BingeEatingDisorder #Parenting #Disability #MentalHealth #pills #changethelanguage #Mania #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #SuicidePrevention #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BPDDiagnosis #moodstabilizer