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Calling all parents of kids with special needs and disabilities!

Hi there, I've just created a group for parents of children with special needs and disabilities.

I'd love you to join!


I have two adopted children, one of whom has special needs. We're in the process of an autism assessment at the moment.

I'd love to connect with other parents and caregivers with similar and different experiences. I've made it a closed group because I think it's important that we can share and encourage each other in privacy.

#SpecialNeedsParenting #SpecialNeeds #Autism #Parenting #SpecialNeedsParent #specialneedsmom #autismparent #disabledchild #raisingadisabledchild #Children #Child #autisticchild #Carer #ADHD #childmentalhealth #anxiousparent #parentanxiety

Please join... I would love to meet you and hear your story :)

Parents of children with special needs and disabilities | An Online Health Community

This group is a safe place for parents and caregivers of disabled children and children with other special needs to come together, encourage each other, and share insights, wisdom, thoughts and questions.
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Looking for a community with other parents of kids with special needs

I’ve just joined The Mighty family & would love to connect with other parents of children with special needs. I don’t know which groups are still active!

We’re just in the process of an autism assessment with my 8 year old son.

If you are also raising a child or children with special needs, I would love to hear from you! #SpecialNeeds #specialneedskids #SpecialNeedsParent #disabledchild #Autism #Autistic #autisticchild #parentmentalhealth


Your mission should you choose to accept #DownSyndrome

Sitting here reflecting on my son Adrien, and how far he's come...
How far I've come.. And wanted to share a bit of the beginning of my journey as a mother of a child with special needs... I thought about the old TV show, Mission Impossible and how it started out every episode...

Your mission, should you choose to accept...

I wish it could have been different.
At his birth;
At the announcement…
I wish I could have been different.
It was as if the Universe had challenged me at that very moment.
As if I had been given a mission…

Your mission, should you choose to accept

“Je pense que votre bebe est trisomique, le syndrome de Down’s, vous comprenez?”
The pediatrician’s words made my body freeze… right there on the edge of my hospital bed.

I think that your baby has Down syndrome he said…
But the words, down syndrome, down syndrome , were all that I’d heard.

Your mission, should you choose to accept

I don’t choose to accept. I don’t want him! I want the baby that I’d planned for.the one that I’d ordered and waited on for the last nine months.

I wish that I could have been like the mothers who’d decided right at their baby’s birth.
Right when they’d gotten the ‘announcement,’
To fight for their babies. To love them right away!
To keep them safe and promise to make the world a better place for them.
To make the world accept them and their differences.

But, I didn’t.
I couldn’t.

I rejected him.
I wanted him to go back to wherever it was he’d come from.
To leave me, and my ‘perfect’ family alone!

In an instant;
In that instant, I became the parent of a child with special needs.
Some believe that parents of children with special needs, were hand picked by God himself.

Your mission, should you choose to accept.

But the truth is, some parents, like myself at that moment…
Choose to not accept.
They don’t want the challenge.
Pawn them off on others every chance they get.
Some even abandon them.

Your mission, should you choose to accept.

Then, one day, when my baby’s life was threatened,
My heart accepted the mission wholeheartedly.

Your mission, should you choose to accept

I accept! I want him! I love him! My heart cried out.
So, I found out that me, and any other parent of a child with special needs;
were indeed, handpicked by the Divine.
Nobody but us could tackle this mission.
Could help fulfill the intention of that little soul that had incarnated into our lives.

Your mission, should you choose to accept

So if the Universe summons you…
Accept your mission!
Accept this mission with open arms and an open heart!

It will be well worth it!

#DownSyndrome #SpecialNeeds #disabilitybirthannouncement #Disability #disabledchild #inte