special needs parent

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Calling all parents of kids with special needs and disabilities!

Hi there, I've just created a group for parents of children with special needs and disabilities.

I'd love you to join!


I have two adopted children, one of whom has special needs. We're in the process of an autism assessment at the moment.

I'd love to connect with other parents and caregivers with similar and different experiences. I've made it a closed group because I think it's important that we can share and encourage each other in privacy.

#SpecialNeedsParenting #SpecialNeeds #Autism #Parenting #SpecialNeedsParent #specialneedsmom #autismparent #disabledchild #raisingadisabledchild #Children #Child #autisticchild #Carer #ADHD #childmentalhealth #anxiousparent #parentanxiety

Please join... I would love to meet you and hear your story :)

Parents of children with special needs and disabilities | An Online Health Community

This group is a safe place for parents and caregivers of disabled children and children with other special needs to come together, encourage each other, and share insights, wisdom, thoughts and questions.
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Looking for a community with other parents of kids with special needs

I’ve just joined The Mighty family & would love to connect with other parents of children with special needs. I don’t know which groups are still active!

We’re just in the process of an autism assessment with my 8 year old son.

If you are also raising a child or children with special needs, I would love to hear from you! #SpecialNeeds #specialneedskids #SpecialNeedsParent #disabledchild #Autism #Autistic #autisticchild #parentmentalhealth


Thank you

I'm new in this community & this is my first post!

Over the last few years, as I've journeyed into the world of parenting a child with special needs, I've often been encouraged by stories on The Mighty that have made me laugh and cry and somehow captured something of what it's really like to be on this amazing, confusing, beautiful, bewildering, often overwhelming path!

So, I just want to say thank you to everyone who has shared honestly of themselves here in this place #SpecialNeeds #ThankYou #Parent #SpecialNeedsParent #Autism #Autistic #LearningDifficulties #MentalHealth



I’m struggling so much with my 17yo son and dealing with his ADHD struggles. He got rejected from the high schools he wants to go to and just lost his new job. He doesn’t listen to anyone. I feel like I can’t cope with this situation. I also have anxiety and I’m just falling apart mentally. I keep praying but I’m feeling hopeless. #Anxiety #SpecialNeedsParent


Haircuts with Autism!

My 7 year old son has autism. Haircuts are the worst with him! No one locally will even attempt to try to cut his hair. I cut it at home. I’m looking for any advice on what clippers people use for autistic individuals. Or really any advice on haircuts for him at all. The clippers need to be cordless because he moves all around I can’t be stuck to the wall. Thank you in advance! #Autsim #SpecialNeedsParent

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It's been a long semester at home

We're winding down to the end of the year. My kid is widdling away the remaining online school lessons requires of her in the fall semester too. But my, oh my, has it been a long one!

Family squabbles, school stresses, and the stupid pandemic isolation forced on those of us with loved ones with "specific underlying conditions," have been so much to work through. I thought when 2020 was over, the worst had past. During the summer and early fall, I dared to hope and dream of vacations and regular school again. But no, first delta yanked us back into online school, and now delta has threatened the sorely-needed vacation plans we have.

I know as a researcher that pandemics run 2-3 years on average. I know that endemic viruses gp through some "typical" stages of evolution as they become endemic. I also know that as treatments, preventions, and management strategies become available the medical community can be slow to accept and/or implement them in the system. I just wish I could do more about that.

My job as a parent is to find healthy, productive ways to guide my kid through all life has to offer. My job as a researcher is to provide the best information I can to those who can use it wisely to treat and prevent life destroying viruses. I just wish that at certain points in my life, I were better at either job...and this has been the most salient of those moments in my life.

This pandemic will end. Just like this semester will end. In the meantime, all I can do is give my best every day, but that gets mighty exhausting once in a while.
#COVID19 #SpecialNeedsParent #GeneralParenting #ADHD #ADHDInGirls #Depression #Anxiety #PTSD



Sometimes I watch other young men who are successful in school or a job and think, I wish that could be my son. I want nothing but the best for him and he just struggles so much. Then the grief that surfaces turns into guilt because I know he can be successful one day. I guess I just wish it could be easier for him and my heart hurts that he struggles. I love him so much and I need to trust he will find his way in this world. #SpecialNeedsParent #ADHD

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#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #cancermom #SpecialNeedsParent

Hello everyone, I’m new to this app and I’m going through the unthinkable right now.. I am 21(in a few days) and I have a 4 yr old little boy with lvl 3 autism and recently diagnosed with a rare brain cancer called ATRT. I also have a 4 month old daughter. I was diagnosed with Borderline personality disorder at 18 and still have a hard time managing it. I’m married (pending divorce) of my narcissistic and abusive baby daddy. I just really need support and possibly dbt skills or something… please

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In recent years, I have found myself overwhelmed by the demands of life. My daughter's illnesses that her father swears she doesn't have, my own loss of career, a failure to return to the workforce, and countless small failures each day.

I have never been someone anyone would suggest that they wish they were like. I am perpetually dishevelled, late, and overburdened. I constantly have to be forgiven for failing at basic everyday things. There's never enough time for me to be on-time, focused, or have basic hygiene and well-rested.

I am hypersensitive and I blame myself for everything. I can constantly "rationalize" the way anything happening to anyone is my fault somehow. It's exhausting for me and those closest to me. For that reason, everyone eventually walks away. I'm the problem they just can't solve. I've had therapists tell me I can't get better if I don't want to.

I do want to be happy again, but to keep physically healthy, we have to stay isolated (somewhat). To keep my daughter's condition in healthy states and her education in progress, and her mental/emotional health in check, I have to sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice... isolation, homeschooling/online school, pay attention to every comment and attention ploy.

I am exhausted and buried beneath stressors that endlessly prevent me from even checking in on my own health. I don't want to be an over aggressive parent who controls every aspect of my kid's life, but between physical conditions, mental health conditions, and a pandemic, wth am I supposed to do?

I'm sorry to be so social with all of this. I know everyone here has their own struggles. I guess I am just hoping for a knowledgeable ear and maybe someone with sound advice who has lived through something like this or worse. I do realize our situation could be so much worse. I am just exhausted right now and pretty down.

Thanks for listening.

#Depression #Anxiety #SpecialNeedsParent #GeneralParenting #COVID19 #PTSD

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Emotional Wellbeing in Parent Caregivers

My new book Day by Day: Emotional Wellbeing in Parents of Disabled Children is published on Friday 7th May.

I felt the wellbeing of parent carers was rarely considered by professionals, society or even the parents themselves.

I have been researching emotional wellbeing for the last four years. As a Counselling Psychologist and Parent Carer to my son, I wanted to share what I’ve learnt along the way to:

🌿 ensure no one felt alone in their difficulties

🌿 give voice to the many difficult emotions Parent Carers can experience, often all at the same time. It really is a rollercoaster

🌿 share what other parent carers find useful

🌿 bring the research, which is often inaccessible, to parents
#parentcarers #Caregiving #Caregivers #Caregiversupport #Caregiverstress #parentcarerwellbeing #specialneedsparents #autismmom #SpecialNeeds #SpecialNeedsFamilies #SpecialNeedsParent