I'm new here!
Hi, my name is bubblegum_drum91. I'm here because
#MightyTogether #Migraine #PTSD #ADHD #DissociativeIdentityDisorder #dissociativeamnesia #Caregiving #ChronicIllness #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #Anxiety
Hi, my name is bubblegum_drum91. I'm here because
#MightyTogether #Migraine #PTSD #ADHD #DissociativeIdentityDisorder #dissociativeamnesia #Caregiving #ChronicIllness #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #Anxiety
Hi 👋 I don’t have DID, but BPD and PTSD with dissociation symptoms. It’s less than a year ago since I was told by my therapist that I have this. I had never heard about it before.
I’ve tried to understand and learn about it, but it’s hard when my fractured mind/memory even makes me forget some days that I have this symptom. There has also been a lot of grieving. Understanding and seeing that my mind has erased, and is still erasing memories - as a part of a survival technique that I have no control of. It all happens automatically.
My BPD splitting happens so fast. My whole perception of the world and people changes. Some times I don’t even remember what this version of me says or does. It’a painful to find a bag of clothes and my passport, knowing that this version of me packed my bag in despair - probably over a minor argument.
It’s hard to write down childhood trauma, only to forget about this days later. Having to re-read my own trauma, and re-remember over and over, and learn that these things happened. Having to re-remember, in order to remember why I should stay away from family members to protect myself - to this day.
I am tired of not feeling like a whole person. Even good memories feels like another person - or that it actually didn’t happen to me - just another version of me.
Days waking up wondering if I’m really here. That I’m still alive, and not the zombie I see in the mirror.
I’m grieving over the little girl in me who used to hide in the woods. All alone and nobody to talk to. Not even knowing how to talk about feelings. So lonely that a tree could feel like a needed friend.
It’s hard to not be able to see the whole picture - my own timeline - most of the time. And the constant erasing of memories makes me feel like living in a fog. I want to be whole. I want to be here.
Hi 👋 I don’t have DID, but BPD and PTSD with dissociation symptoms. It’s less than a year ago since I was told by my therapist that I have this. I had never heard about it before.
I’ve tried to understand and learn about it, but it’s hard when my fractured mind/memory even makes me forget some days that I have this symptom. There has also been a lot of grieving. Understanding and seeing that my mind has erased, and is still erasing memories - as a part of a survival technique that I have no control of. It all happens automatically.
My BPD splitting happens so fast. My whole perception of the world and people changes. Some times I don’t even remember what this version of me says or does. It’a painful to find a bag of clothes and my passport, knowing that this version of me packed my bag in despair - probably over a minor argument.
It’s hard to write down childhood trauma, only to forget about this days later. Having to re-read my own trauma, and re-remember over and over, and learn that these things happened. Having to re-remember, in order to remember why I should stay away from family members to protect myself - to this day.
I am tired of not feeling like a whole person. Even good memories feels like another person - or that it actually didn’t happen to me - just another version of me.
Days waking up wondering if I’m really here. That I’m still alive, and not the zombie I see in the mirror.
I’m grieving over the little girl in me who used to hide in the woods. All alone and nobody to talk to. Not even knowing how to talk about feelings. So lonely that a tree could feel like a needed friend.
It’s hard to not be able to see the whole picture - my own timeline - most of the time. And the constant erasing of memories makes me feel like living in a fog. I want to be whole. I want to be here.
Hi, my name is Kalei_doscope. I have OSDD (Other Specified Dissociative Disorder) I'm here because
#MightyTogether #dissociativedisorders #DissociativeFugue #dissociativeamnesia
Hello! I have a friend who deals with severe dissociation (not DID though) that seems to be the amnesia kind. He doesn't have a lot of knowledge about the medical field and therapy, so I've been helping him out--since I've been around the block--until he can afford and get in to a good therapist to get professionally diagnosed. I've found the book "Coping with Trauma-Based Dissociation" by Suzette Boon, Kathy Steele, and Onno van Der Hart to be incredibly helpful for understanding what he experiences and providing good coping skills, but I'm looking for other good sources for a noob to psychology with dissociation. And as much info on how I personally can support him as a friend from a long distance. Any other resources for people with dissociation as well: books, youtube vids, support groups, whatever you've found useful.
This is such a terrible condition and I honestly don't know how he's able to function at all, let alone with a full-time job and all of you with dissociation are incredibly strong. I had only met people with DID before and I didn't realize how bad dissociation could get before a full split happens.
#dissociativedisorders #dissociativeamnesia #DissociationDisorders #DissociativeIdentityDisorder
I am brand new to this group. I am challenged with DID - and dissociative amnesia.
Trying to find ways to keep myself safe - I have had unsafe sex - with absolutely no memory.
There is ‘evidence’ of the sex act.
I never know what I missed - until little pieces of information come out -
The cringe of embarrassment and disgust can overwhelm me to the point of despair.
I am in a loving relationship - however, he absolutely believes/knows I have been “sneaking around” having sex - he has upgraded it to a love affair. He is said this in the past about a man we worked with - I have no memory - zero. From theses so called encounters. This is extremely difficult for both of us.
I have many little ways to track my time and movement. So, I can be absolutely 100% positive that there was zero possibility of any sexual contact. Only to hear him respond to the “new evidence “
These episodes make me feel full blown cray - and very unsafe. Imagine you have sex - yet you have no idea with who - when and where. I battle low self esteem for the first time - I have lost a good bit of self respect - so full of disgust for myself- so broken from causing my partner such agony. I believe I have about 9 alters. I am sure there is at least one, who can pretty much take over. She can engage with others, have sex - without any of my consent or knowledge. It’s physically, mentally & emotionally draining. Of course I have experienced sexual trauma - very little memories. Yet, there is enough I do remember. I am seeking healthy ways to heal, to live consciously - mindfulness. Considering hypnosis. I feel that I don’t have the truth about ME. I need to know - the truth. The truth about everything - all of it. I want my life back - I want to be the one in control of decisions. I decide who I see, who, when and where. I need to set and maintain boundaries. I need to stop, interrupt the sexual behavior. I need to get back in front - and live my very very best life.
Hi, my name is flutterbypast. I'm here because I have dissociative amnesia and dissociative identy disorder
Hi, my name is Chance.
I enjoy reading articles from THE MIGHTY so i figured I might see what else is here.
#MightyTogether #AutismSpectrumDisorder #Narcolepsy #dissociativeamnesia #Dyslexia
Hi, my name is Sjones5722. I'm here because
#MightyTogether #PTSD #Grief #Depression #Migraine #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #dissociativeamnesia #dissociativedisorders #DissociativeIdentityDisorder
Hi, my name is AliasSmith55. I'm here because
#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Fibromyalgia #PTSD #ADHD #RheumatoidArthritis #MultipleSclerosis #OCD #Grief #dissociativedisorders #DissociativeIdentityDisorder #DissociativeFugue #dissociativeamnesia