Morning Chatties

How are you today

Sorry I've been missing for a few days. Just needed a few days to recover from a bad flare up. But feeling more like myself now.

This is Pepper doing his normal funny stuff with his treat. Why he doesn't just eat it I do not know. He walks around with it like this for ages. Makes me laugh. Annoys Pedro no end 🤣🤣🤣🤣

What do your little pets and furballs do to keep you amused!?
Or do you watch YouTube videos of pandas🐼 or lion Cubs to get your fix of cute 'ness' for the day.
I just watched Panda live on YouTube it was so Cute. 🐼

So Tell me your cute stories that keep you amused.

Love n hugs Tj
#Animals #Cuteness #Bekind #TherapyDog #emtionalSupport #Chatties #checkonyourneighbours #Lovenhugs #Selflove #TherapyPets #PANDAS #LionsCubs #Pups #PeppernPedro #AmusingPets