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Hello 🖐 There #CheckInWithMe

Good Morning Mighty Family n Friends

Guess What

I think my nasty Migraine might have finally gone....
Whoop whoop...
Only took a week. Been thinking it's been gone these passed few days. But just wanted to make sure it had, and wasn't gonna sneak back up on me. 😅
It's been raining 🌧⚡Thunder and lightening then sunny next day 🌞So wanted to make sure.
Still got nasty headaches, but that's just normal for my meds and facial conditions.

AND guess what number 2

My wonderful doctor after writing to the neurologist for the third time at my other local hospital. I only have an appointment in September.
A face to face one even.
That's another little dance time.
I've seen her before when I lived in that area.
She is really nice 👩‍⚕️saw her when she diagnosed me with trigeminal neuralgia.

So fingers crossed she can start to investigate these migraines and cluster headaches.

So as I can now see out of both eyes again, no double vision or blurry vision. I'm back on the Mighty.
I have missed you all so much. Gets lonely. But my lovely neighbour kept me company, and when she couldn't be there she'd drop off her little dog for a bit, to play with my 2 pups for a while.
Loved watching them all play. 🐕🐶🐾❤😅

Hope you are all ok. Do tell me what you are all up to.
Love n hugs Tj ❤🤗🧡😘🌞💚🐶 #RareDisease #MigrainesWithAura #TrigeminalNeuralgia #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #SphincterOfOddiDysfunction #Anxiety #Hope #Love #Selfcare #Bekindtoyourself #Family #Friends #Depression #checkonyourneighbours #Arthritis #PsoriaticArthritis

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2020 giggles #laughterisgoodmedicine #LaughOutLoud

Good Morning Mighty Family n Friends

Morning giggles you

Made me laugh 😅😅😁😁😁as I'm laying in bed recovering from day 3 of a migraine from hell.
🖐love n hugs as always Tj 💜💙🧡🤗💛❤🤞it goes away today #TrigeminalNeuralgia #RareDiseases #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #Hope #Love #Positivity #checkonyourneighbours #Selfcompassion #Bekindtoyourself #PsoriaticArthritis

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Hello 🖐 Good Morning #CheckInWithMe

Hello and Good Morning

Welcome to All the New Members of ChatSpace Too.

I hope you will Say hello back
Even if it's just a Wave 🖐

How are you all doing today

Saturday 8 th August
Wow its August already

Where has this year gone already.

ChatSpace is for you all, a space for you to chat talk vent rant get stuff off your chest

Share things remembering that this is a safe place, The Mighty and ChatSpace is a community full of like minded members.
Who only have love compassion kindness giving support in their heart.

So please say hello 🖐introduce yourself if you are new. Tell ChatSpace how you are today. Good bad or inbetween.

Help each other out, because Our Mighty members well we are the very very best at doing this. 😘🤗❤ sharing our experiences and love for each other.

Love n hugs Tj 😁☺️😎🐕🐶🐾😚🦄🦓🎊🎉🎀🎈☕😘🤗❤🙌

#Chatspace #Bekind #Kindness #Vent #rant #Selfcare #compassion #Family #Friends #Hope #Bekindtoyourself #checkonyourneighbours #Anxiety #Hello #morning

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Humid but not too humid #giggleswithafriend #Family

I'd walk through fire

For my Best friends

Well, not fire.

That would be


But a super humid room

But not too humid


You know

My hair......


Now that's a friend for you.


How are you all today?!

Hot and humid. Ready to walk through a humid Room for your Mighty friends 😅👊💜

Love n hugs Tj 🌈👋💪🐕🐾🐶

#Anxiety #Hope #RareDisease #PsoriaticArthritis #Depression #SphincterOfOddiDysfunction #TrigeminalNeuralgia #ClusterHeadaches #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #Arthritis #Bekindtoyourself #checkonyourneighbours #Selfcare

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Sunday Morning Giggles #laughterisgoodmedicine #CheckInWithMe

Good Morning Mighty Family n Friends

You know you're getting old

When everything hurts

And what doesn't hurt doesn't



Now that is about right!! But I'm not that old 🙋‍♀️ am I. 😂🤣🤔😉😅

Love n hugs Tj 😘😄😁😀😆🥰😏🤐🙄😶🙂☺️🙃🤪😳😝😇💩👋💚💛🧡❤🖤💜💙
#TrigeminalNeuralgia #RareDisease #Hope #Love #Hugs #Selfcare #Bekindtoyourself #PsoriaticArthritis #SphincterOfOddiDysfunction #checkonyourneighbours #Disability #LaughOutLoud #giggleswithafriend

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Phones + Family #52SmallThings #CheckInWithMe

Good Morning Family and Friends

I took a day out yesterday 🙋‍♀️
I needed it after Monday, I just plain did too much and boy did I pay for it. Ouchie ouch

My Son Jake stopped by my House and had dinner with me. Social distancing and no hugs 🤷‍♀️
But it was lovely, hence my tag line. No phones 🛑for the whole time he was there or TV or any electronic devices really. There were all there but all that happened was Talking, cooking, eating and lots of laughing. My face hurt from the laughing 😁😅

I couldn't hug him as he works with lots of others in close quarters in a restaurant, he wears a mask and gloves. But even he said "no Mum better not, we did a fist bump when he left" sigh. I miss him so much,.......

But unplugging whilst he was there was and is the best thing to do. I'm 100 % committed then to him and cooking him the best chocolate crunch pudding yum yummy yum.

Plus he took the rest home with him, left me 2 slices, and took home 2 lots of dinner in tupperware pots too. I always have cooked far too much. Can't help it. I've always cooked for a family 😅😁🤗❤

Love n hugs Tj
Unplugged for the day yesterday 🤗❤🖐🙋‍♀️😘💓💗🥀💐🌼🌹 #RareDisease #Hope #Love #Anxiety #ActOfKindness #TrigeminalNeuralgia #SphincterOfOddiDysfunction #MentalHealth #Depression #PsoriaticArthritis #Selfcare #Bekindtoyourself #Unplug #checkonyourneighbours

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Sleeping Beauty Sylvie Meow #Chatspace

Good Afternoon Mighty Family & Friends

How is Everyone Today

I snapped my cat snoozing on my bed this lunchtime today.
It's not very often she is this cute or this Quiet. She is one noisy cat. Meowing away wanting something from me.

Well that cuteness didn't last very long as the flash woke her up!!! She had a very quick cuddle decided she didn't like that Did a bite Down into my thumb and curled back up and went back to sleep.

So cat 1 cat mum 0

But very nice Pic.

She has always been a I'm going to bite you cos I love you cat. Not today.

How is your day going guys.

Love light n hugs Tj


#Talking #venting #Ranting #Bekind #compassion #Positivity #NeverAlone #MightyTogether #Anxiety #Love #Hope #Hugs #Depression #checkonyourneighbours #Selfcare #Kindness #ActsOfKindness #Loneliness #Family #Friends #52SmallThings

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Hello and Good Morning Mighty #sunshine #CheckInWithMe

Good Morning SunShine

Hello Mighty Family and Friends

Minnie Mouse is in the House Today all pink and Shiny

How Cute is That

How are you on this Beautiful Saturday

I'm just lounging around
I won't say lazy, so I'll say lounging instead 😅

I've just had to attack my kitchen as a group of Ants 🐜 decided to come in and Go into my pantry. 😠😡
So as I don't like using pesticides much out came my salt and cinnamon powder.
Oh and my finger and the boiling water 😅

Phew I'm pooped already. 🐜
Dead ants everywhere now.
There goes my easy day as now have to empty my pantry clean it out and re do it. Sigh.

Anyhow. How are you all.
Anyone killing Ants by the way 🐜😅😠☺️💪

Love n hugs Tj 😊🤗😘💋🌸💐🌈🌞🐶🐕🐾😎🖐 #PsoriaticArthritis #TrigeminalNeuralgia #SphincterOfOddiDysfunction #ClusterHeadaches #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #Bekindtoyourself #Selfcare #checkonyourneighbours #loveyourself #RareDisease #Anxiety #Depression #BrainFog #Kindness