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Good Morning ChatSpace #films #Fun #CheckInWithMe

Good Morning Chatties

I needed a good fun film to watch last night
Nothing too serious and wanted something that would make me laugh.
Then this one popped up

I had forgotten it got released on Friday. On My it was funny .
I had seen the 2 Actors on TV breakfast show talking about the film and how much fun it was making it and how they had Real Eurovision stars filmed singing in it .
Ha ha that bit was hilarious and great too.

Such a Great film and in Edinburgh Scotland UK
Ha ha ha ha . Like that would ever happen. They Never Ever vote for the UK song 😅😅😅😅
They hate Us.

Oh I needed a laugh and I got one.
I went to sleep with a big fat grin on my face.
I vote this film 10 out of 10.
Best film of 2020.

It might not be everyone's cup of tea but it was mine.

Love n hugs Tj 😅😁😘❤🤗🌺💐🦸‍♀️🦹‍♂️🧛‍♂️🙅‍♂️🧝‍♂️💃🕺❤🤗🌈

#funny #Family #Friends #Talking #Chatspace #NoJudgment #talkingtherapy #Vent #rant #Lovenhugs #checkonyourneighbours #Chatties #Netflix #Volcanoman #EuroVision

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Tell Me More #Chatspace #Talking #CheckInWithMe

Good Morning and it's the Weekend Yaayyyyy

I have had that face in the meme before when I've wanted to talk to my friends or family. Or I've felt like it.

It can be so hard to live with what we live with or go through and not have some one or some place to have to vent rant or talk

So here is ChatSpace. 💬

That place. Safe. Judgement free. Full of compassion love and like minded people.🤗

Talk away Mightys this is for you.
Anything you want.❤

You know I'm here for you. Always
Much love Tj ❤
Oh and hugs always hugs 🤗
❤🤛💪😻💗🤗🤗😎🐱🐈🐶🐕🐾💩😘🤗💗❤ #Chatties #Vent #rant #Talk #talkingtherapy #Lovenhugs #nojudgement #Bekindtoyourself #Anxiety #Bekind #Kindness #Family #Friends #NeverAlone #MightyTogether #Alwayslistening

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Silence is Golden #Chatspace #CheckInWithMe

Good Morning Chatties

How are you this Morning

A little giggle for you this morning

Silence is Golden
Unless you have kids
Then silence is suspicious 😅

So how are you today.
What have you been up too.
Anything exciting or interesting.
Me not much.
I've posted all my news about live TV etc on my profile. Go over and have a read if you haven't already .
Anxiety inducing phone call. Eek.

Please feel free to use this post to vent rant or talk away if you want
Love n hugs Tj ❤😘🤗🖐 #Lovenhugs #Vent #rant #talkingtherapy #Chatties #NoJudgment #Bekind #Kindness #checkonyourneighbours

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Snoopy is on ChatSpace #Yesterday #TOMORROW #today #rest

Good Morning Chatties

Snoopy is here

Learn from yesterday

Live for Today

Look for Tomorrow

Rest this Afternoon

Definitely rest this afternoon

Who doesn't love Snoopy and his wisdom.

How are you all.

It's been very quiet over the weekend. You guys must have been very busy
What have you been up to?

I'm hoping the weather stays clear today , no rain, so I can go out for a drive in my car.
First one in 3 months , since the start of lockdown in March.
First off I'll have to clean the windows 😅🕸🕷
And the dust off.

So what are your plans

Love n hugs always Tj
#Family #Lovenhugs #Chatspace #Chatties #nojudgement #Bekind #Kindness #Vent #rant #Talking #Friends #Talking #talkingtherapy #checkonyourneighbours #Selflove

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Good Morning chatties #Chatspace #Giggles #humour

Hello there its Sunday I think
And I found these meme and it made me laugh out loud
So I had to share it with you guys

I have trouble brushing my teeth you see. So this made me giggle so much. Having facial neuralgia isn't fun but it gives you a funny sense of humour instead.

Hope your weekend is going ok and you know ChatSpace is here for you anytime
Love n giggles Tj 😅🙄☺️😶🙃💕🤗💪🌺💐🐾🐯🐱🖐 #Chatspace #giggleswithafriend #LaughOutLoud #Chatties #Lovenhugs #Family #Friends #Bekind #NoJudgment #Kindness #laughingisthebestmedicine

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It's Saturday #Goodmorning

Hello There Mighty Family

My sink is full of dirty dishes again
I do wish I lived with someone again so they could do the dishes.
It is always my turn!!???!!!
I really should have thought this one through properly before my youngest child and I went our separate ways. Mmm.
I so hate washing up 😅

How are you guys today.
Do you hate doing chores too?
What is your worse chore to do?
Is it the dishes or something else?

I got a phone call yesterday from my doctors office asking me to go in for a blood pressure check up next week. So after 3 months in lockdown. Eek. I have to go out and drive my car. At least I'll be the only one at the drs office . Temperature check and wearing a mask.
So my anxiety is oh sky high ha ha.
But as of last week I am allowed out once a day for exercise but haven't worked up the courage to go out. So now I have to go drive my car to give it a run good around First.
So it doesnt conch out on the way to the drs.

I know a lot of people will feel like me after a long time in lockdown. The first time going out. Scary stuff. Full on anxiety.
Oh well
Love n hugs Tj
😳🥶😱❤😷😍😁😀🙃🤞🤞🤞🤦‍♀️🙃 #Doctors #BloodPressure #dishes #TrigeminalNeuralgia #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #ClusterMigraines #RareDisease #Family #Lovenhugs #Bekind #Anxiety #PanicDisorder #Kindness #NeverAlone #MightyTogether

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You are Amazing #CheckInWithMe #Chatspace #Chatties

Good Morning Chatties

Hi you Amazing Mighties

Regardless how you are feeling remember you are Amazing
I just wanted to remind you all that to me and everyone else on the Mighty you are Amazing.

You are what makes the Mighty community what it is.


So how are you today?

Apart from amazing and awesome


#Chatspace #Talking #rant #Vent #SpaceForYou #Bekind #nojudgement #NeverAlone #MightyTogether #Amazing #awesome #Family #Community #Friends #Chatties #Lovenhugs #Talkingistherapy

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Good Morning #CheckInWithMe

Hello Mighty Family

It's soooooo nice to wake up and be able to to open my Mighty app. Sheer bliss.
I definitely feel at home. My anxiety levels are lower today and I dont feel so stressed either.

I feel good 🙃😀

So how are You!
I've been off the Mighty a few weeks. So tell me what you have been doing. How you are. How you are feeling too.

I've missed you all so much.
Love n hugs Tj 🤗🥰😍😎😁🧚‍♂️👯‍♀️❤💬❣💘💓💗 #Family #Anxiety #RareDisease #TrigeminalNeuralgia #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #laughterisgoodmedicine #checkonyourneighbours #Lovenhugs #Kindness #Bekind

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Sammie My old Dog #germanshepherd #MightyPets

This is My lovely Sammie

Today I am missing her loads

She left us many many years ago due to old age
She was a super 13 years old
We rescued her at 3 years old
My youngest son was just about to turn 3
He grew up with her my other son was 11 just about to turn 12.

She was the sweetest cleverest dog around.
Very smart, climbed over the 6ft fence to follow me to the school when I took my eldest.
I didnt realise
She did it all the time.
My whole family still talk about her and miss her.
She used to sit by the open door and take the post off the postie too.
Do you have a member of your tribe still missed so much after so many years?

#Superdogs #MoreThandogs #Family #Friends #Pets #Dogs #Love #Friendship #Kindness #Bekind #ChronicPain #RareDisease #TrigeminalNeuralgia #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #PsoriaticArthritis #Anxiety #WorldMentalHealthWeek #Lovenhugs #PureLove

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Its Friday At Last #NearlytheWeekend #Chatspace

Friday Feeling

Good Morning Chatties

Do You have the friday feeling yet!!!

My pic today I adore what it says. It's one of my life quote's I live by everyday.

Never regret being a good person
To the wrong people
Your behaviour says everything
About You
And their behaviour
Says enough about them.

If you have a problem an issue
Something burning inside you that you need to get off your chest.
ChatSpace Is here for you.
Write it in the comments below or put up your own post.
It's a safe place to chat talk rant Or vent.

Make new friends on the Mighty too.
We are all in this together maybe not the same boat but definitely the same storm. 🌬🌪🌫
Lets help each other on the way.

Love n hugs as always Tj

#Kindness #checkonyourneighbours #Lovenhugs #Bekind #Boatnstorm #chatties #loveyourselves #Chatspace #Talking #Vent #rant #Family #Friends