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Disappointed at my specialist

Yesterday was my 3 month follow up with my rheumatologist. He must of soent 5 minutes with me. As usual he said “see you in 2-3 months” and on my way to the lab 🧪 i went. I have never gotten a result call from his office. Unfortunately the other rheumatologist in town isn’t any better. I initially saw them 5 years ago and that provider said I didn’t have lupus because my platelets weren’t low 🙄. I wish there was more options 🙇🏻‍♀️
#Lupus #fibromyalgiafog #BrainFog #depressionsession 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Re-naming Fibro Fog for Fun #FibroFog

From now on, I shall not refer to it as Fibromyalgia or Fibro Fog. I will make new names. FibroFogorama. Fibrofogosaurus Rex. Mother Fibrofogger. So Fibrofoggerific. And so on #Fibromyalgia #fibromyalgiafog


Baby steps #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain

#CheckInWithMe I have fibromyalgia and anxiety since I was a teenager. I am learning to be more forgiving with things I can't do yet and taking baby steps towards my goals. Today I was strong enough to go to my therapist and take care of my mental health. Go me!!! #gome ! #migrainesucks #fibroismorethanpain #fibromyalgiafog


Just a thought, if I could remember....

There is SO much I need and want to say but most of the time I just can't remember. My words get lost, my thoughts get swirled together.  I try to relax, to take a breath, to collect my thoughts........ and most days nothing.

Walking, talking, sitting, standing or just being most days is difficult. I'm not even a quarter of the man I use to be. Frustrated, angry, sad, overwhelmed and alone.

Hiding behind my smile, tired of being told to suck it up. Taking SO many medications that I need to keep a spreadsheet.

Other than that everything else is great! How about you?

#fibromyalgiafog #Migraines #overmedicated #depressed #fibrosucks

1 comment

Fibromyalgia affects men's lives - gee, ya don't say.

Well who would have ever guessed _that_ by themselves without having help from a grownup, "Cognitive problems of men with fibromyalgia — involving their memory, verbal fluency and problem-solving abilities — significantly affect their work, social relations and self-perceptions, a study finds."
"Cognitive Difficulties Affect Life and Self-perceptions of Men with Fibromyalgia, Study Reports January 8, 2019  by Jose Marques Lopes, PhD  "  

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How do you cope with fibrofog (fibromyalgia fog)?

Had fibromyalgia for 16 years. Really having bad fibrofog tonight (happening more and more recently) Tripping over my own simple thoughts and words... making words up, misusing words, mixing words up or swapping words in a sentence. Some are funny like "Do they sell dollars at the razor store?" (this one made my husband and I crack up) BUT it's also scary, embarrassing and emotionally devastating at the same time. I graduated from high school early, started and finished college with a degree early so it makes me feel stupid when fibrofog happens... #Fibromyalgia #FibroFog #fibromyalgiafog