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How do you feel emotionally?

I’m so sick of having fibromyalgia. The pain, tingling ,burning are constant. The IBS gut pain makes socializing no fun. Life feels like Groundhog Day and a nightmare of torture. I’m either down, angry, bored with the monotony of saying no to everything, or anxious for dumb reasons. Living with this feels like a life sentence of misery. I’m a great actress in public though.

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Visited sister. Have you ever been chewed out for being selfish due to talking about your fibromyalgia maybe more than you realize?

She told me I was selfish, negative , and never asked about their health. I chose to see her point of view and told her I am not a good sister. I’m sorry. Fibromyalgia has destroyed my ability to relate to others…. My noise sensitivity irritates anyone with me too long. Don’t blame her. Help me, I feel so alone, and down on myself not worthy of being with family. They don’t understand me, I am sad and miss their loving me as they did before I got sick. Even my husband feels like he is lives in the normal world and I am in a wall he can’t come close to very much. How do you cope with the fragile emotions this all creates. Feeling very shaky and tearful today. Need words of acceptance.

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My bunion and arch tingles so bad I can’t sleep.went to podiatrist. She offered cortisone . What do you think?



Fibro flair after booster jab, I had a major flair up after my pfiser booster jab. Has anyone experience this?


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Me and my adorable bird Sammy hanging out in the closet!

So, I haven't been on here in quite some time, I have been struggling a lot these past few months. This picture was taken by my fiance, I was in the closet trying to organize some things and my bird (who has somehow turned into my emotional support animal lol) came waddling in to see what I was doing. Small things like this are one of the things that helps keep me going on the bad days.

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For my dad

My new tattoo I had done for my dad who I lost tragically in November, im in pain everyday with my fibromyalgia but the pain I feel knowing I'll never see my dad again or ever hear his voice is something so different it feels like my ♥ is being ripped out everyday even though I'm 46 I was always his little girl 😁#Fibromyaliga #ChronicPain #Heartache #Grief


Finally feeling some hope for a better tomorrow #Fibromyaliga #Depression

I've been in so much pain for so long, struggling through each day, struggling through each hour really, and struggling to find doctors willing to listen and treat compassionately. I found a great PCP a while back I believe today was our fourth appointment. He's unlike any other doctor I've ever met. But he listens and he treats me with compassion. I'm very hopeful that we have a treatment plan now in place or in the works at least that might help me get back on track and help me be able to do physical therapy. I would so appreciate if everyone could keep their fingers and toes crossed that this new treatment plan and this med switch up makes a vast difference in my quality of life. But with hope comes a lot of fear for me. Fear of my hopes being dashed when the new treatment plan doesn't work as well as I hoped. Fear that my depression will come back stronger than it is now if this fails. I'm terrified and I'm hopeful and I'm trying hard to hold both.

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Lumpy the Succulent

I'm about two months into learning to crochet and I'm kind of obsessed 😅 Meet Lumpy, my less-than-perfect first amigurumi project. I'm working on a hanging plant next. 🌵🧶🍃 #ArtTherapy #crochet #DistractMe #Fibromyaliga #ME #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #CPTSD

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Uzume & Artek

Hello fellow Mighty pet parents! Here are 2 of the reasons I make it through the day, I am able to smile, laugh, and find joy through all the pain and misery life throws at me!

Uzume is a Labrakita (Black Lab & Akita mix). Her name comes from (technically Ame-no-Uzume in Japanese) the Shinto goddess of joy and happiness, mirth and revelry. I picked her name while she was still 8 weeks old. Who could have known it was the absolute perfect name for such a happy and amazing soul. She truly lives up to her goddess of a name. At 4 months old, we came home (my husband and I were gone maybe an hour) to a big surprise! Uzume was so happy to see us, she let out the biggest smile I've ever seen on a dog! Full teeth and gums! Since that day, she hasn't stopped smiling, constantly! She's never smiled at other dogs (she's so smart), and has become more reserved with her smiles at younger kids. Otherwise, she will give everyone huge toothy smiles all day long! She wakes me with smiles and toothy kisses (she presses her teeth against my cheek) and nibbles my ear, she gives me smiles when I'm having a bad pain day or moment, she smiles and nuzzles me when I'm close to a panic attack... I couldn't have imagined a better companion. She completes my soul, and I try to live up to the happiness she brings me, and everyone around her. She also helps me with mobility, and there are days she's the only reason I'm able to walk.

Artek is an Aussie Border Collie. His name is the Norse variant of King Arthur, and guardian of the bear. My husband and I decided on his name together, though I get credit for finding this variant. I can't say he didn't grow into his name, because he is the most fearless and gallant protector! Unfortunately, he also suffers from mental illness; a condition known as Generic Neurosis. My husband and I explain it best referring to a combination of symptoms similar to autism and schizophrenia. Inside, he's the sweetest, most highly intelligent, and emotionally sensitive dog I've ever met. Outside of "his home," he is extremely hyper vigilant, easily startled, and very reactive. He comes off as very aggressive, though he will not get within more than a foot of the threat, unless it's another dog (thank you Covid...). He used to only be normal and happy at the dog park and the beach, until Covid lockdown. He's been isolated, as I'm high risk and care for very high risk parents, until I was able to get vaccinated in February, and my parents in April. We still haven't been able to do much training and reintegration. We also just moved from downtown Portland to the suburbs (much nicer area that's calm and quiet), so he's still adjusting to that as well. Dispite all of that, he's my rock! I can tell how I'm doing by his behavior, and he helps me stay centered for him. This little boy changed my life in so many ways! Because of him, I have a successful behavioral training business. #ServiceDog #Anxiety #Depression #Fibromyaliga #MentalHealth #neurosis


Savella vs. Lyrica #Fibromyaliga #Spoonie #Depression #ChronicPain

Hey all, my rheumatologist recommended trying Savella in place of lyrica and the antidepressants I’m taking. He doesn’t prescribe my meds so I’m a bit hesitant to switch, although I don’t feel like I’m getting enough relief currently. If you’ve made the switch, what are some pros/cons? Any advice helps! Thanks 😊