So I started the morning with my 1st ect session. I was so scared, started crying. My poor Dr held my hand till I was asleep...sort of feel ashamed about it. But on the other had I am grateful for him being caring.
So woke up and except for my jaw being sore and stiff I have no other side effects because of it. The worst part (And I'm being completely honest..) is my dry mouth. So at 6 this morning I got an injection to dry up your saliva to prevent you from aspirating. It is almost 12 hours later and my mouth still dry...think I've drank about 4 and 1/2 litres of water today. 🍶
I'm really glad it went well. Groups today...aarrrggghhh. Atleast there was 1 group led by a Psychologist that was pretty structured and to the point. One of the other patients raised the point of being scared to go back out into the world. I gave my 2 cents by telling her life is not smooth, it is not just going to go uphill from here. There will be times that she will fall again. It is though her and only her choice what she will do. Stay down or decide to fight again. It's not easy getting back up time after time. But you are the only that can make that choice. You cannot change circumstances, what you can change is the way you respond to them.
Very excited, the boys will be visiting later. I can't wait to see them. Drew (mostly traced) them each a picture. It's the thought that counts... I feel in much better spirit this evening. Suspect the 3 reasons are on their way here...
Have a good evening!
#BipolarDisorder #Bipolar2 #fighters #Family