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Why Do Our Friends Leave Us?

I'm sharing a previously posted story written on here from 4 years ago.

My very last 'surviving' friendship is now also drifting away out of my reach 😔. I hate the loneliness it brings.

Having one friend made everyone else disappearing more bearable. But how am I to feel now I am alone? no more bestie or 'solid' friendship.

Was it me? Am I too oppressive? Could I have done more?! - I'll never know.

To clarify, we had a 10 year friendship and we were each others 'best friend' she is my sons godmother. We were literally thick as thieves - could finish each others sentences, say the same things at the same time. She, my husband and I were the '3 amigos'

So our situation now is that she, and her new husband have moved to another town nearby. She's made new dear friends there,and has slowly weaned off me.

The last time she saw me it was for my birthday 2 weeks after it 😓 it felt like she was feeling awkward after a while. After she left, I never received the 'I really enjoyed seeing you 🥰' etc text message we would normally exchange - even though I sent one myself

What finally made me see it for what it is, is that I was meant to see her tomorrow. We planned this ages ago. But was told yesterday she cannot do the afternoon. Morning only. Then today got a message cancelling entirely

Once before I got sick there was a time where I was all she had, even when everybody left her due to a trauma she experienced, I supported her through.

I really thought after years of bullying and never fitting in due to Autism, I had found my 'forever friend' ❤️ for years and years our social media pages were constantly full of pictures of our 'adventures' and tagging each others names on posts. Almost announcing to the world what a close unbreakable friendship we had. It made me feel lucky and special🤦‍♀️ somebody liked me for me! I had never had a friendship this genuine before (i thought) I feel embarrassed to have felt this way now.

I know people who don't stick around due to illness aren't worth my time. Equally I know people can change and drift apart too, but I thought we were stronger than that?

But it doesn't change the hurt. Especially as this gradually happened over two years, feeling it slip away. Questioning if it was really happening? Surely not?! Then realising the truth, and the painful feelings of being alone, betrayal, of feeling replaced - as if I were a broken toy.

I feel very sad really. Especially as I am housebound, and cannot make friends offline.

Has anybody else been left totally alone other than their spouse/partner?
(im lucky mine is incredible)

This epitomises how I feel

Dear Friends: Please Don't Leave Just Because I Have a Chronic Illness

#friendships  #ChronicIllness  #Loneliness  #Depression  #UCTD #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Autism #ADHD #ASD #AutoimmuneDisease #alone #CheckInWithMe #Sadness #housebound #Longtermillness #hi #Lupus #MixedConnectiveTissueDisease #Fatigue
#ChronicFatigue #ME

Dear Friends: Please Don't Leave Just Because I Have a Chronic Illness

"No, we can't do things like we used to... But, we are the same people inside that we always have been."
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Just a brief introduction :)

Hi, my name is casieeisac. I just completed a long-term residential rehab program in March. I'm doing ok but looking for people to connect with who understand the lived experience of addiction as a way to support my recovery. I'm about to have 1yr clean on June 18th, so that's nifty. I'm struggling with some, let's say, misunderstandings about recovery & how it works with my mom right now. She's constantly on me about something and she's accusing me of using lately. I can't leave her out of my life bc she is currently and has been caring for my daughter for the last 2yrs. It's all a little complicated. So, yeah, hi and thanks for letting me be part of your group. #hi #Recovery #struggles


#hi everyone

I hope the new members on the mighty are finding neat groups to get support and ideas and chatting with others please let us know what groups you enjoy the most and what ones you are benefiting from lately I hope the new members see this group so we can chat and support each other and di the many neat and helpful groups that are available 🦋🦋❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


#hi everyone-is everyone ok

Hi just making sure that everyone is doing ok and have been checking on many people and posts here and not hearing back from so many people in the last month or so and seeing less chatting just making sure that everyone is doing ok I’m concerned about so many people and my members of my groups here and wanted to let everyone know that dbt and other emotional healing things are starting to help me some my new counselors are trying new things for me and they finally sound like things that could help us all with our emotions and feelings so hopefully I can pass on tips that helps and an eft tapping world summit is happening this week and is very helpful for emotions and fear and panic and anxiety helped me greatly last year it’s emotional healing and emotional freedom tips and definitely music and different videos helps tremendously too chat anytime for support I’m here for you anytime and hopefully we all have nicer weather eventually so we can enjoy some sunshine and blue skies again 🦋❤️‍🩹
And hobbies and walk some helps too


#hi everyone

What’s your favorite nature relaxation videos so far and tell us your experiences when watching them or what others videos helps you too - mine favorite nature relaxation videos are the alps and Alaska and Canadian Rockies and Tahiti and Ireland bec I love mountains and water and beaches and beautiful scenery Bahamas would be great be of all the different colors of water enjoy 🦋🦋🦋🦋

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#hi everyone

Welcome to new members here on the mighty and hello to my friends here wondering what emotions are you feeling lately and what are you doing to improve them or which emotions have been po lately too 🦋🦋🦋🦋😎


#hi everyone hi new members

Welcome to all the new members I hope you enjoy this site and make great support friends and learn things

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#hi everyone #Nature relaxation

Hi everyone I hope everyone is having decent weather and will enjoy watching neat videos or music or will enjoy being outside some this weekend hopefully signs sunny days happen soon 😎 enjoy

1 comment


I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself to the other community leaders here. I started a group the other month called Autism in the Workplace (link: themighty.com/groups/autismintheworkplace)

The idea for my group was for a safe place for people with autism in the workplace to share and discuss how they feel, post problems and potentially work together to overcome barriers and encourage others to hopefully feel they can disclose their disabilities to the workplace. It is also for anyone to join and to learn, see how it affects people and also promote awareness. I am happy for anyone to share or refer on but ultimately I want to keep it voluntary whether or not someone decides to join the group #AutismEmployment #Workplace #Awareness #hi #togetherwearestronger #Disability #equality

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