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I’m know I’m not the only one who struggles with feeling alone from time to time.. And I know that I’m not alone (glory to God), but sometimes I struggle with ‘feeling’ alone. But this too shall pass. I don’t have the biggest support system yet, but I’m very blessed for the support that I DO have. And that’s what I need to focus on. The things that we don’t YET have, tend to blind us from ALL the blessings that we DO have! So today, I CHALLANGE US to practice being grateful! Every day we get is a blessing from God and another chance to change, to heal, and to receive the gifts God has in store for us!🙌✝️❤️‍🔥 God bless you family! You are loved, and you are not alone. Never believe in Satan’s lies. That’s all he is- a liar and a coward.☝️✝️🤟Love, Macy.🥰💪 #Jesus #NeverAlone #GodBlessYOU #JesusIsLord #NeverGiveUp #StayStrong #inspirational #SOBERLIFE

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Please #stay

I’ve been buying myself a lot of #motivationalshirtsANDsweaters online ever since I found one that spoke to my #soul - and this one sweater pictured here is my favorite one.

It says… “Stay” with added words on the right sleeve… “The world is a better place with you in it.”

Whenever I wear this, my eyes would always drift to my arm and it brings me a little #Hope at a time of getting through this.

I want people to be more #informed and more #aware that the things we go through is a real #illness and that a lot of us suffer from it.

After having a conversation with my favorite #maillady I found out that she too was in my shoes. We both agreed that #oneword or even a #friendlyacknowledgment from someone (that let’s you know that you’re #NotInvisible ) can help us get through the day. Like another shirt of mine says…

“You are #NeverAlone - Keep fighting… everyone is fighting a battle we know nothing about.”

I just want the #stigmatoend and have people more #aware because in certain cases, not knowing how to react to something in an #Understanding and #positive way, and instead react #negatively , but not on purpose, that their reactions have the ability to #trigger us back downward, or make the rest of our day #happy

If no one told you today…


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Hello! 👋

My name is Elizabeth Waldron. I'm from St.Catharines,Ontario Canada. New Member of this group! Living and loving life sober one day at a time! #SOBER #FreedomfromAddiction
#NeverAlone #EST 😍 ✌ 😊 💪

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Still #searchingforanswers

I've not been on here in forever, i just got to where i withdrew from everyone, ive been searching for so long for a label to give myself, maybe there isn't one. I've heard for so long the only if you were statements from people, i think to myself, ok, but it was fine last week when it benefitted you? I doing know if I'll ever find ansers to what feels like a non ending of searching and questioning, im sure im not the only one that feels this way, just remember your#NeverAlone .

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My Daily Mantra

#mantra #DailyReminder #Higherpower #peace #NeverAlone #ForeverTogether

Just a little something that helps me get through even the most painful flare. Maybe it will help others as well. 💜

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Vulnerability #Anxiety #sleepless

Wow just submitted and got approval for my first story to be published . Mighty you’ve been a huge part of my daily mental health for quite some time. I’d tell you exactly how long but that’d require memory and my concept of time is slightly skewed. My piece is raw, I’m feeling vulnerable, yet empowered to continue to share my stories in hopes of furthering my self healing and possibly reaching if just one other person to not feel alone. Funny to have anxiety about the piece I wrote on anxiety sounds like an entirely new story. But yes here I lay unable to sleep while I run through the “scenarios” in my head of what could happen, the damn what if’s! I’m thankful for this safe platform to continue to heal share and aide others in their healing too. I know I’m not alone 💕 #NeverAlone #Survivor #SelfHealing #Bekind

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Wish it #CheckInWithMe #Chatspace #Family

Wish it

Dream it

Do it

To All My Wonderful

Friends on ChatSpace

All you need to do is wish it
Dream it and do it

I think of you all everyday
I wonder what you are doing
I worry about you
Whether you are in the UK
Or on the other side of the Globe in Australia 🌏

You are never far from my Thoughts

Hello to you all and love to you all too 💕💛🧡💜💙💗💖💝💋
With a hug big hug

Welcome to all the new members of ChatSpace 🖐
Do wave back and say Hello🖐

And tell me what you'd like do Wish Dream n Do guys

#Family #Friends #Fun #Anxiety #Love #Vent #rant #Talk #talkingtherapy #Hugs #MightyTogether #RareDiseases #MentalHealth #Chatspace #NeverAlone #Kindness #ActsOfKindness #Bekind #BeBraveBox #Bekindtoyourself

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Hello Everyone #CheckInWithMe #Chatspace #Family

Hiya 🖐 Family n Friends

How are you all

Sorry I've not been here for a while. Having slight problems with Migraines with Aura, causing visions problems.

Hard to see with 😎 on 😅 as they not my reading glasses. Must phone up my opticians and see if they can make me a pair of sunnies with reading bits in. I'm sure they can without me actually going in to the store!!!
We will see ha ha

Enough about me. How are you .
Hello to all the new Members of ChatSpace 🖐 hiya and welcome.
Glad you come to our little corner of the Mighty, and joined our family.

So feel free to comment and reply to each other. We are the best of the very best at that here on the Mighty.
Helping each other out is what we do here.

Make your own posts if you are up for that too. If not you can always comment on one of my posts.
I always go through the comments .

So tell me what what's.

Love hugs as always and forever Tj. 😎🖐😘🤗❤💚🧡🦓🎈🐱🐶🐾💪🌞🐕😼🌞 #Family #Friends #Chatties #Vent #rant #Talk #talkingaboutit #Love #Hugs #Positivity #Anxiety #Chatspace #talkingtherapy #CheerMeOn #MightyTogether #NeverAlone

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Morning !!!! #CheerMeOn #Migraines #Giggles

Hello 🖐🖐🖐🖐

I can't say Good Morning
Cos I've still got the dam migraine. Day 5 now

I'm ok just completely fed up with left side numbness pins n needles neck pain and of cause the one sided head pain 😥
I think I know what it is too.
But until I get to the headache clinic I can't formally get diagnosed with it.

With the Pandemic how long will that take. Both my local hospital won't take me on.
Neurologist are working on coronavirus patients aren't they!!

But hey what's new with that.
I've been dealing with chronic illnesses for 20 years now. So it's nothing new . Just so so so dam annoying frustrating and making me angry..... 😠😵

Its no ones fault, I'll just carry on as I always do. With a smile and a laugh . I'll cry when I need too, rant and get it out of my system.

So thanks for listening My Mighty Family n Friends.
You are all the very best.
Love you all . Tj 🤗😘🧡❤💚💛😁🖐

#Undiagnosed #frustrated #RareDisease #Arthritis #Migraine #ClusterHeadaches #Anxiety #MightyTogether #Bekindtoyourself #Selfcare #Love #Hope #rant #Vent #talkingtherapy #CheckInWithMe #NeverAlone #SphincterOfOddiDysfunction #PsoriaticArthritis #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #HiatalHernia #Pain #Chronicpainwarrior