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Freezing it hurts so bad!

Fibromyalgia sufferers, do you get so cold that it hurts?
There is no reason to feel so cold! Warm house, sometimes too warm, could be summer out and no fever from being sick!
All of a sudden you start shivering, you teeth are chattering, you can barely move cause you are paralyzed from how cold you are and it hurt and even hurts more to move. You can have lots of blankets and it does help!
It's crazy!! That one thing that does is a heated blanket! My savior!
I honestly wish I knew why or how we got this way!! It seems to happen more at night for me then during the day!!
(Dont get me wrong cause sometimes I can get so hot too! Hahaha... it doesn't hurt but boy do I get miserable!!)
#Fibromyalgia #FibromyalgiaSucks #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #freezing


Ever feel like your on fire literally and freezing at the same time?

#PanicDisorder #aniexty #Stress
I feel like scratching my whole body it itches and burns so, bad I cry . then I am freezing at the same time it's awful. Heart is racing , feels like I'm going to die.
Been happening alot more lately.
#itching #Fire #freezing #Burning #heart