I'm new here!
Hi, my name is SSparkles. I'm here because I have FND and arthritis from a young age, I want to feel more connected.
1.We're ALWAYS Experiencing Some Sort Of Symptom
Whether it's mild or it's debilitating, we are ALWAYS experiencing something. For example as I write this, I'm dealing with pain and a paralysis episode.
2. Invite Us To Things
Even if you genuinely think we won't be able to attend, there's no harm in asking. It's nice to know that someone is thinking of us even if it turns out we can't attend.
3.If We Say "I'm Fine" That's Different Than Your Fine
Due to dealing with disabling symptoms, our baseline of what we deem as "normal" is way different than a healthy person's. My "fine" is having chronic pain, some brain fog, and sometimes some mild gait issues
4.Just Because I Could Do Something Yesterday Doesn't Mean I Can Today
Many chronic illness and disabilities are dynamic, meaning they fluctuate in intensity. Which means that what a person can do on one day, they may not be able to another or vice-versa. Certain activities can worsen symptoms. So if a person walks around to a bunch of different shops then their symptoms may flare. Causing them to be unable to do something they may otherwise be able to.
5.Just Because My Symptoms Are Better, Doesn't Mean I'm Better
Like I just mentioned, many conditions are dynamic. So it's extremely common for us to have periods where our symptoms are calmer. But we're still disabled.
6.If I Bring Up A Symptom Then Odds Are It's REALLY Bothering Me.
Like I mentioned in the first point, we are always experiencing some sort of symptom. Because of this, we've grown used to going about our lives while dealing with them. Meaning that if we bring up a symptom, it's likely bothering us to a point that it's impacting us/our ability to do things more than usual.
#ChronicIllness #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #Disability #Disabled
Hi, my name is Ghost123. I'm here because
Those days when you have something important to do but your mind is FND has taken over and your just mind surfing.
This definitely fits considering my new #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder diagnosis
Hi, my name is Swieck. I'm here because I’ve just been diagnosed with FND and I’m eager to learn more about it.
To the neurodivergents, or the ones who have physical or psychological barriers that make it feel like others don't understand the weight of your abilities. Remember you are clever and kind, just the way you are.
Yesterday a friend recommended this course to me - she insists it holistic and new. I will follow this weekend and hopefully its helpful to others as well - still free - www.udemy.com/course/new-science-holistic-wellness-solution-... #Holistic #Pain #Undiagnosed #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #AutismSpectrumDisorder #MentalHealth #mighty
Hospitals are hard for physical or mental health. I can't seem to like them regardless. I wrote this the night after I was basically told I would be discharged the next day without the support and treatment I was initially told I would receive. When trying to advocate for myself I was refused a voice. Sadly this wasn't the first time it happened but it would end my admission there. Friday 9th is an insight into my discharge experience. I read this often when my mind revisits that day to remember I get to choose not to be bound by what others denied.
Hospitals are hard for physical or mental health. I can't seem to like them regardless. I wrote this the night after I was basically told I would be discharged the next day without the support and treatment I was initially told I would receive. When trying to advocate for myself I was refused a voice. Sadly this wasn't the first time it happened but it would end my admission there. Friday 9th is an insight into my discharge experience. I read this often when my mind revisits that day to remember I get to choose not to be bound by what others denied.