Functional Neurological Disorder/Conversion Disorder

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Functional Neurological Disorder/Conversion Disorder
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Anyone followed this course - Does it Work?

Yesterday a friend recommended this course to me - she insists it holistic and new. I will follow this weekend and hopefully its helpful to others as well - still free - #Holistic #Pain #Undiagnosed #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #AutismSpectrumDisorder #MentalHealth #mighty

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Negative hospital experience but choosing not to's hard though #MentalHealth #Hospital #FND

Hospitals are hard for physical or mental health. I can't seem to like them regardless. I wrote this the night after I was basically told I would be discharged the next day without the support and treatment I was initially told I would receive. When trying to advocate for myself I was refused a voice. Sadly this wasn't the first time it happened but it would end my admission there. Friday 9th is an insight into my discharge experience. I read this often when my mind revisits that day to remember I get to choose not to be bound by what others denied.

You Didn't Break Me / FND Blog / FND Journey | A place to be seen

I wrote this the night after I was basically told I would be discharged the next day without the support and treatment I was initially told I would receive. When trying to advocate for myself I was refused a voice. Sadly this wasn't the first time it happened but it would end my admission there. Friday 9th is an insight into my discharge experience. I read this often when my mind revisits that day to remember I get to choose not to be bound by what others denied.
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Negative hospital experience but choosing not to's hard though #MentalHealth #Hospital #FND

Hospitals are hard for physical or mental health. I can't seem to like them regardless. I wrote this the night after I was basically told I would be discharged the next day without the support and treatment I was initially told I would receive. When trying to advocate for myself I was refused a voice. Sadly this wasn't the first time it happened but it would end my admission there. Friday 9th is an insight into my discharge experience. I read this often when my mind revisits that day to remember I get to choose not to be bound by what others denied.

You Didn't Break Me / FND Blog / FND Journey | A place to be seen

I wrote this the night after I was basically told I would be discharged the next day without the support and treatment I was initially told I would receive. When trying to advocate for myself I was refused a voice. Sadly this wasn't the first time it happened but it would end my admission there. Friday 9th is an insight into my discharge experience. I read this often when my mind revisits that day to remember I get to choose not to be bound by what others denied.
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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is GardeningGranny. I'm undiagnosed and would love some help to get an ADHD diagnosis, Im newly diagnosed with Fibro so any information, suggestions or advice would be appreciated I'm also Mum and carer to an autistic teen, who also has FND.

#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #Fibromyalgia #ADHD

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There is people but I am alone #MentalHealth

I put this one under the FND page. I do not know why as I think it extends to an experience many people go through but all I know is that I have never felt the pain of isolation harder than since this journey. I just never anticipated the loss of people to be so great and I have no closure or answers just the facts that my life is different and with losing my physical abilities I lost people, a lot.

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There is people but I am alone #MentalHealth

I put this one under the FND page. I do not know why as I think it extends to an experience many people go through but all I know is that I have never felt the pain of isolation harder than since this journey. I just never anticipated the loss of people to be so great and I have no closure or answers just the facts that my life is different and with losing my physical abilities I lost people, a lot.

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Checking in for the first time in a while!

I have missed the amazing people here on this app. I’ve been on a hiatus, and it’s been a very rough journey. There are many stories that I want to share, both good and bad, but as for right now, I just want to say to anyone that sees this post that you are loved, you are important, you are strong. Sending gentle hugs to the Mighty family! 💕🥹 # #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #CrohnsDisease #UlcerativeColitis #FND #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #CRPS #Asthma

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Checking in for the first time in a while!

I have missed the amazing people here on this app. I’ve been on a hiatus, and it’s been a very rough journey. There are many stories that I want to share, both good and bad, but as for right now, I just want to say to anyone that sees this post that you are loved, you are important, you are strong. Sending gentle hugs to the Mighty family! 💕🥹 # #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #CrohnsDisease #UlcerativeColitis #FND #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #CRPS #Asthma

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is CosyMariposa0517. I'm here because I like meeting others who have what I have because I don't know many who have the illness that I do.

#MightyTogether #Migraine #Fibromyalgia #Crohn 'sDisease#Dystonia #Ataxia #COPD #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #Asthma

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