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Wildflowers in the vase

I used to be able to walk in fields of wildflowers and I wish there were some in the empty vases that I have. I very rarely have a bunch of cut ones so I decided to buy a Lego set and try making them myself. I have difficulty with my hands ( #Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsy) so it’s a bit of a challenge for me and the process is very slow. (I have to rebuild flowers often as I accidentally will not get the feeling right and I smash them into pieces). I have completed 3 flower heads though so far! 😀 I plan to keep on making them until vase is full. Then I will have flowers that I can see every day. This is my winter challenge. When I complete the wildflowers I will post a photo.

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Parenting with depression

#Depression #help #Kids #Hereditary #Worried
Anyone here a parent? Probably haha. But I'm asking because I am a parent of an 8 year old girl and a 6 year old boy.
I am so very concerned about my daughter. I worry when she won't talk to me. When she randomly cries and when I ask her why she says she doesn't know why.
I don't want her to go through what I go through but I don't know how to help her.



Yes, cancer can be hereditary. It depends on the type of cancer. I have TNBC I had a genetic test done. It came back negative. Thank God.


What if you knew it was coming? #autoimmune #HashimotosThyroiditis #Fibromyalgia #CrohnsDisease #MajorDepressiveDisorder #Hereditary #GeneticDisorders

My mother, in the last 10 or so years, has been diagnosed with 3 autoimmune diseases. The chances of them being passed down are very likely. I already have Major Depressive Disorder that I inherited from both sides of my family. I am also being treated for low thyroid function. Any advice for someone hoping to get ahead of it all? I feel like it’s all inevitable.


Anyone with Bipolar have you seen it show up in your children #Kids#Hereditary #future

I fear nothing more than my dear daughter getting this horrible affliction.