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#3rddose #Pfizer #done #Immunecompromised

Immune-compromised patients are eligible (in the USA and several other countries) to get a 3rd dose of mRNA vaccine to try to bring us up closer to the level of a healthy fully vaccinated individual. I called my doctor's office then scheduled mine immediately and received my 3rd dose today. It was very easy and similar to getting a flu shot.

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#3rddose #Pfizer #done #Immunecompromised

Immune-compromised patients are eligible to get a 3rd dose of mRNA vaccine (in the USA and several other countries) to try to bring us up closer to the level of a healthy fully vaccinated individual. I called my doctor's office then scheduled mine immediately and received my 3rd dose today. It was very easy and similar to getting a flu shot.

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#3rddose #Pfizer #done #Immunecompromised

Immune-compromised patients are eligible to get a 3rd dose of mRNA vaccine (in the USA and several other countries) to try to bring us up closer to the level of a healthy fully vaccinated individual. I called my doctor's office then scheduled mine immediately and received my 3rd dose today. It was very easy and similar to getting a flu shot.

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How can I get my #Lupus in check during this incredibly stressful #COVID19 #pandemic2020 #quarantinethoughts #Immunecompromised #CPTSD #Stress #FlareUps

I live with systemic lupus. Unfortunately, I live with CPTSD as well. Obviously stress exacerbates both of these conditions... one feeds the other which feeds the other and it's a dirty vicious cycle. Well, to be immune compromised is a scary thing. To have a Special needs child that is more vulnerable Is very scary. To have the entire country shutdown with no idea how long this will last or how bad this will get... terrifying. So of course, the stress has triggered a hell of a #Lupusflare No amount of makeup can hide the low blood count, the ugly lupus #malarmask .I'm sick and tired and absolutely tired of being sick and tired. Totally grateful for the few hours I get to go to work and escape the house where I feel like the walls are closing in. #nightterrors Have been steadily getting worse and worse again. I so badly just want to be able to go to see my dr...Plead to just get atleast one in check!! Whether it be putting me back on my #Prednisone to get the lupus to calm down. Or give me the ability to sleep! To rest! The idea of 30 more days of this seems insurmountable, cant even let myself think about this going on for longer. Trying to keep it together, atleast on the outside for my baby girl.