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My advice to victims of abuse right now <3

A garden gifts the hungry food, and it gifts the trapped a taste of freedom. You are still free to grow from within, from a yard, balcony, or windowsill. For victims of abuse, garden therapy could be the stepping stone to victory. When my redbud tree bloomed late two years ago, I thought: If she can prove him wrong, so can I. This is my story. medium.com/@siennamaeheath/quarantined-abuse-survival-garden...
#GardenTherapy #quarantinethoughts #quarantinesucks #Empowerment


My advice to victims of abuse right now <3

A garden gifts the hungry food, and it gifts the trapped a taste of freedom. You are still free to grow from within, from a yard, balcony, or windowsill. For victims of abuse, garden therapy could be the stepping stone to victory. When my redbud tree bloomed late two years ago, I thought: If she can prove him wrong, so can I. This is my story.
#quarantinesurvival #quarantinelife #quarantinethoughts #quarantinesucks #selfcare

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If you could use a smile and some hope today...

I thought the whole world must've seen this by now, but apparently not, so I wanted to share it with my awesome fellow Mighties. Written and filmed during quarantine, it acknowledges what we're going through and offers hope. Made me smile and I hope it makes you smile too!

You know how sunflowers do that thing where they always turn their face to the light? That's what the song refers to. Much-simplified translation below!

🌻💛 youtu.be/pqOBCP2eKbw

Like the moon and the sun:
they always have to wait until night.
Although you are not by my side today,
I know that you will arrive;
sunflowers never stop turning.

I will wait for you, I will wait for you,
and when you return with kiss, I will be here;
sunflowers never stop turning.

Like the rain and the flower:
a storm can make you flourish
and when the wind calms itself,
you will appear prettier.

I will wait for you, I will wait for you,
and when you return with a kiss, I will be here;
sunflowers never stop turning.

Today when i have seen you return,
a thousand sunflowers awaited you.
They didn't ask where you'd been,
they turned without thinking;
sunflowers never stop turning.


#quarantine #quarantinethoughts #COVID19 #MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #Isolation #isolated #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #autoimmune #alone #AloneTogether #TheMighty #Spoonie #Spoonies #StayStrong #Together #Hope


Always my Fiancees superwoman

Despite the title its not what you think, it's quite the opposite. I'm my fiancees super woman on the days that I can't get out of bed because of the pain, on the days when I barley get a shower and then slum around on the couch, on the days I manage to go work my shift but nothing else. To my fiancee I am always his super woman. Which is great but I surly don't always feel like it. This week, especially the last few days have been a real struggle for me. I have felt like a disappointment a failure and today culminated in a massive migraine which lead me to call off tomorrow which only makes me feel worse. I'll push myself until my body says no. I know not healthy it's one of my very poor habits but it stems a lot from my lack of self worth, and lack of self value but I don't care for myself the way I should until my body forces me too. I'm struggling, I'm trying to stay above water but it's difficult I can't poor from an empty cup by I'm struggling to take the time to refill it. Thanks for being the safe void I can vent too. #quarantinethoughts #quarantinelife #Roughweek #Fibromyalgia #Migraine #self-doubt

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Does anyone else feel like you can't be productive because your whole family is home?

I can't for the life of me be productive during this quarantine. I know it sounds like an excuse, but I always feel overwhelmed with my whole family being home like 90% of the time. I've spent most of my time during quarantine watching TV instead of working on that novel I said that I was going to work on. I really don't need to go anywhere to do that, but like I said. I feel overwhelmed constantly due to my family being home and messing up my whole schedule 😅. Anyone relate? #quarantinethoughts #COVID19 #Productivity #Depression #Anxiety #MentalHealth


The Rona Blues #rona #COVID19#PMDD#Mania#quarantinethoughts

This pandemic is exacerbating all of my mental illnesses. I know almost everyone globally is dealing with something one way or another. Yet, I see that as a way to just invalidate the people who were already struggling, prior to COVID. Yeah, we get it, everyone is struggling. However, now our struggle is so deep and almost unbearing.


Inner Being, Outer Self

I have been at home now for over a month. It’s been a rocky time for me. First two weeks were good. I had a plan of cleaning eating when to take a walk how much tv i was going to watch. By week 3, boom gone! I had an anxiety attaxk, my partner became nonsupport, i turned inward fast. I became critical of everything i was and wasn’t doing during this time away from work. So i told myself to stop it. I picked up a book and read til i finished it. I set an alarm to wake up, some days it works some days not so much. I then finished another book titled “The Hidden School” by Dan Millman. It was a great read. I recommend it. With all that now it is time to face the one thing that i have always dealt with which is my body image. It is so true that until you get the inside taken care of the outside will not move.
For years of my life, i have denied myself who I am to try and fit in. I am a gay man who is spiritual and someone who has a calling to help others and be a light in this dark world. In doing so, my outside has taken a lot of beating and now it’s time to take care of it. I started using shakes as a meal, i signed up for a home fitness challenge with a friend, and i am using positive words to describe myself. I have to tell you this is the hardest battle for me but i can do it. #Anxiety #BodyPositive #BodyImage #quarantinethoughts #Gay #PTSD #Trauma #loveyourself #Mindfulness

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Cultivate Beauty Wherever You Can ... Even During Quarantine

I was able to think a lot while I was digging today. The pandemic is still going on. I have been fighting off and through depressive episode. Ihave all these creative projects that I’m trying to encourage myself to either begin or finish (I WOULD LOVE TO SHARE THEM W/ YALL! They’re mad encouraging!) I still am wrestling with my #eatingdisorder......AND! All of those things will be there until they are not. I woke up today, prayed, and the first thing I did was go outside and start digging. I didn’t know how long I’d be out there. Didn’t know if I’d finish today. Don’t know when I’ll finish or how fast I’ll work. Didn’t know if the rain would come. Didn’t know if my sister would ditch me because she was tired or reading her book outside, or if my brother would come outside and laugh at me per usual whenever I do cute, therapeutic things. He says playing in dirt and making a mess or being a “lame”. He’s one of my favorite people and he’s hilarious though so it’s okay. So many thoughts, so many worries, and so many... just, like... feelings - so many things outside of my control. You know what was in my control? If I chose to set my one thing to accomplish for the day: taking another step towards cultivating beauty wherever and whenever I can. It may not feel like a lot, but it is significant and important to look for ways to cultivate beauty - whether it be external, like a garden, or internal, like self love or focusing on a character trait you want to develop. There are no small steps. EVERY step is significant! Just like every shovel full of dirt.

Quarantine depression - 0 / Aidee - 1!

#BipolarDepression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Bipolar2Disorder #AnorexiaNervosa #BulimiaNervosa #Anxiety #Depression #EatingDisorders #treatment #Recovery #Healing #light #Joy #Hope #Happiness #Gardening #Beauty #sunflowers #Family #COVID19 #quarantine #quarantinethoughts #SocialDistancing #hopehealsinitiative

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You’re doing great! #quarantine #quarantinethoughts

So much has been thrown at you over the past several weeks and it can be easier to beat yourself up about how wrong things are going but take a minute to think about all the things going right. You’re doing all you can with what you have! Give yourself a break - you’re doing great! This adjustment may seem like others are doing it better but you really have no idea. So, keep pushing and applaud yourself today 👏🏾👏🏾 #DepressionAndMentalHealth #Anxiety


This quarantine is really getting to me.

Some days are fine, things are ok. But others I’m completely miserable.. i know i shouldnt complain, that people are dying and have it worse than i, but this monotonous limbo we live in is driving me crazy. My anxiety overwhelms me and i start to question everything, im so sick of living like this. There are days i can just sit for hours and stare at the wall, im so done. #Anxiety #quarantinethoughts #depressed

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