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I'm still a person, I still count

If the pandemic has shown me one thing, it is that society places less value on people with comorbidities. Every day we hear in the media, someone aged whatever has died from Covid-19 but they had comorbidities. This makes me angry because I know that if it was me that had died, people wouldn't be as concerned as if it was someone healthy. But I'm still a person, I still count. Chronic illness does not make my life less worth living. Why does it matter less if I die than someone else? #COVID19 #pandemic2020 #ChronicIllness #Mylifematters


I Miss Alone Time

No disrespect to my family but, I miss my alone time. To feel free to do what I want w/o feeling obligated to be around people or to feel bad about wanting me time. My children have been out of school since March and my husband works during the day and wants my time after dinner. I have insomnia issues and use to get up and go to the basement to work on projects but, he would find me and try to get me to go back to bed. The pandemic didn't bother me too much until a month and a half after it started. But, now I feel a bit overwhelmed. Hopefully this passes and I can move on with peace. #overwhelmed #Insomnia #Anxiety #pandemic2020 #crafts

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Managing Mask #Anxiety

This is from the post I'm about to release about #MaskAnxiety I am formatting it now, so it will be very soon. There will be one other coming from it, at least. Ugh, formatting. Ugh, chronic mental and physical conditions. We are warriors whether anyone wants to believe it or not. It requires prevention, constant maintenance, & planning to live with #chronicillnesses and #MentalHealth conditions. If you want to have any control at all, anyway. It's exhausting just to exist this way, let alone deal with life, then things like #COVID19 For more from me, visit #chronicillnesswarrior #AnxietyDisorder #MentalHealth #COVID19 #pandemic2020 #fibrowarriors #Fibromyalgia #invisibleillnesswarrior #spooniewarrior #Spoonie


When you stand against social distancing, take measures to "protest" measures during this pandemic that effect the entire world, and put the lives of billions on the line for your own purposes whether government official or not, you are acting in the likes of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, and Trump. This is not OK. You are commiting a crime against humanity and you are an international criminal. Every single person involved in these protests should be identified and put in an international watch list database for terrorism. This is not an exercise of first amendment rights. It is an abuse of them. It is a direct attack on our nation, and the world at large.

I love how so many of these people claim to love and respect law enforcement until they're the ones breaking the laws. They claim to stand for the rule of law etc. Then go out and put the very lives of these officers, the ones they love, the entire force at the station, the judges, town, county, and city officials, and residents at severe risk. They're also hurting businesses trying to survive by polonging the virus impact and encouraging the mutation of the virus into even more deadly strands. These are very disgusting, ignorant, selfish, psychotic, terrorists. When your nation is at war within its own borders against a biological threat and you directly take measures that increase the number of deaths out of pure inability to rationally think, and a decision not to learn to rationally think, you become a threat to the very core of the society. And in a pandemic, you don't just do that to our nation, but all nations around the world. These kind of people claim they want the reopening of the economy when they're the ones directly harming not just one local business but many internationally. And what happens when people who know someone or are someone with chronic conditions, or frankly none at all as this virus does not seemingly truly discriminate against any particular type of person? I just am disgusted at this. This is not exercising your first ammendment. This is abusing it.
#COVID19 #SARS-CoV-2 #social isolation #SocialDistancing #ChronicIllness #international #MentalHealth #PTSD #CPTSD #pandemic2020 #WorldHealthOrganization #HIVAIDS #crimevictim #LawEnforcement #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA

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#ChronicIllness Warriors have been fighting this forever

Those of us that live with chronic illnesses that keep us from being able to function like the average person have been fighting this fight for YEARS. Companies have refused to allow us to work remotely, even though it has been possible for decadeS now. We are in the year 2020. We had these capabilities in the year 2000 (may have been complicated, but we had them.) We've been able to do this since the 80's but yet many companies still don't allow people to work from home. We still have to struggle because we can't find enough remote work to make a livable income. With the exception of jobs that require physical labor or actually touching a person, just about everything else can be set up to where it can be done from home. Think about how many jobs that is. For more from me, visit the link in my profile #COVID19 #pandemic2020 #quarantine #togetherathome #AloneTogether #ChronicIllness #MentalHealth #writtenbydida #InvisibleDisability #invisibleillnesswarrior #spooniewarriors #Spoonie #fibrowarriors #Fibromyalgia

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Stop & smell the flowers

Yeah, I know it's hard to appreciate the little things in life right now & since I was feeling cooped up today, I took the dog on a safe, #socialdistance walk around our ghost of a town. It's a tourist based community so this #pandemic2020 has really hurt our local economy. Practically every business has closed, some has found alternative ways to do business & the restaurants are doing to go only, so we're adjusting. These flowers blooming throughout town reminded me that life still goes on & we'll get through this. Things may look very different when we get to the other side but that's okay. I'm okay, my family is okay & life goes on...


Is it the new meds or the new pandemic lifestyle?

I've been really feeling like crap the last couple of weeks and it seems to be getting worse. The anxiety and depression are creeping up higher and higher into my daily life and my body aches are constant. I talked to my therapist and she said it might just be all of the extra stress from the state of things right now, but I was thinking it was my new medication. I always go straight to blaming the new meds so now I'm wondering if I'm wrong. But then I keep thinking if I assume it's just stress and it's really not then I'm putting up with all of these terrible feelings for nothing. I'm thinking about taking a break from the meds to see if I feel better but a part of me always feels guilty like I'm not trying hard enough. The circle keeps going around and around and I just feel paralyzed by it.
#Anxiety #Depression #Newmeds #pandemic2020

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so a few nights ago I started waking up GASPING for air. I felt like I was drowning on land. plus I have stabbing pains all along my sides. I cant eat or drink without vomiting. and yesterday - after 3 full days of this, my boyfriend said enough is enough and called an ambulance. I got an EKG, a chest xray, the covid test, everything. the test unfortunately takes a few days. they also mentioned I could have a pulmonary embolism from my surgery in january. I'm so tired because I don't sleep through the night, I'm not getting enough hair... in exhausted.

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As #ChronicIllness Warriors we need change

I keep seeing people say we can't do anything about the way things are, but we CAN, if we all decide we aren't going to accept how things are any longer. Just because things have always been a certain way, doesn't mean it HAS to be that way. We can be better. We can make things better for EVERYONE in this country if we all speak up and use our voices in every way we can. This is even more important for those of us who have chronic conditions. One thing this pandemic HAS proven, is that there is MUCH more they could be doing to let us do just about anything from home, rather than acting like it's too much trouble, or can't be done. They also should now see the need for many more solutions, and we need to insist upon them instead of just accepting that this is how things are. They don't have to be. For more, visit the link in my profile #COVID19 #covıd19 #election2020 #vote #ChronicIllness #MentalHealth #Addiction #Relationships #money #writtenbydida #pandemic2020 #AloneTogether #stayhometogether #athometogether

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#COVID19 It shouldn't have gotten this bad

I am posting this here because most of us are at risk from this virus, so the way this has been handled impacts us significantly more than the average person. We should be more angry with them than most. We are the ones they saw as acceptable losses. We can't let that go. This is my message to our political leaders: If this country gets reopened too soon, it will be the most irresponsible move in American history, and will result in losing EVEN MORE lives than we already have to. STOP MESSING UP. Can you really not see how bad of a mistake that would be?? Stop being weak. Stand up to those saying that you need to move faster than medical professionals advise. Get on the right side of history because it WILL be recorded forever in the history books, and hopefully they'll tell the truth about how the majority of these lives could have been saved if our leaders had reacted when they should have and with the seriousness that was required. We should have been shut down AT LEAST in January. We wouldn't be staying at home now it we had. There would be some guidelines in place, but they would have been able to contain the spread. Every death beyond what we would have lost if we'd shut down in January has been directly caused by political drama and we should NOT be accepting that as just life or okay. We should be outraged and letting them know how horrible it is that they've allowed so many to die. Yes, I blame them because it IS their fault. For more, visit the link in my profile #dobetter #pandemic2020 #AloneTogether #stayathome #stayhome #politicians #governors #President #electedofficials #youarebeingirresponsible #ChronicIllness #Addiction #MentalHealth #relationships #money #economy