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Greetings Fellow Warriors

#CheerMeOn #CheckInWithMe #lift Me Up

This afformation belongs to all of us FELLOW MIGHTY WARRIORS! 💖💖💖💖💖

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#MentalHealth #Anxiety #CheerMeOn #lift Me Up
Part 2.

In Icelandic SNARSNÆLDUVITLAUST VEÐUR!!! That day was a red weather alert for the whole country 😒 and the day before also, yes a low pressure. 🌬 So you see really I have been stressed for a week waiting to go to THIS INTERVIEW! Oh well, today is the day. 🙏🙋‍♀️😱🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️

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#MentalHealth #Anxiety #CheerMeOn #lift Me Up

I am feeling anxious this mornig; in couple hours I have a interview with a mental health team, I will know a little bit after if I am a good fit for this team or not, if not they will find the right kind of servíettur for me. 😔 This interview was supposed to be exactly a week ago but NO THE ICELANDIC WEATHER WENT COMPLETLY CRAZY.

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#MentalHealth #lift ME UP#CheerMeOn
Happy New Year fellow Mighties! 🎆🎇🎆🎇🎆 Celebrate in your own way, however fits you best.

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You are MIGHTY

I ordered quite a few inspirational stickers and I thought I will try to share one each day. Hoping someone might need to be reminded they they are MIGHTY! #PTSD Support #Life 's Little Joys #MentalHealth #lift Me Up #complexptsd # Conquer Your Mind #ChronicPain #ChronicIllnessEDS

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Food for thought!

Some know my history (somewhat) and some might not. I wanted to share something I believed going into the rehabilitation center; for drug abuse and domestic violence, that we as humans can change our way of thinking by ; "rewiring our brains "! Example: drug addiction, avoiding people, places and things that remind us of our using days. Essentially you're rebuilding new positive habits. Which also means, we are changing the way we think, "rewiring our brains ". As far as my C-PTSD, I had to face my triggers in a safe environment with people I trust. This over time reprograms my brain to see that; my head being touched doesn't necessarily represent danger or future trauma. Essentially, replacing memories of bad touch with memories of good touch. But again, I had to rewire the way I looked at many many different areas of my life. My Motto now is: "Come What May". Either way I refuse to allow stress come back into my life. Whatever is coming my way whether appointments, family, or financial issues, I refuse to stress over it. It's going to happen anyway so I don't need to add and negative emotions into the mix. All that would cause is for me to; allow my mental health be impacted, cause headaches, blood pressure elevated. All things I avoid. My toxic abusive relationship with my ex was 14 months long. I fell in love with the lies he told. It took me a long time to see that it wasn't truly the man I was in love with. By the time I realized I needed to get away before one day he killed me, it was to late. He suspected something and never left me alone. I also believe there is a silver lining in every situation we just have to be patient to be shown what it is. My silver lining is that; I am a survivor and in being one have been able to heal enough were I can share my story and help others just beginning their healing journey. Also, that relationship taught me what I honestly value in my life, and What I will no longer tolerate. Example: my daughter has always been sort of toxic in the way she talks to or acts towards me. But also, I've always been her best friend and I've supported her in her life choices. She also gave birth to my three grandsons. But recently, I've had to place her out of my life because of her toxicity towards me. Yes it's causing added depression but I remind myself that with her gone, missing her and grandsons are less overall stress than having them in my life.

Sorry, if I've gotten off track. I probably have cause I forgot where I was going. But as our biggest advocate for ourselves, we need to take the steps that is "Best" for us and not just going along to keep the peace! Document any symptoms new or old and keep notes so we can actually show doctors what we are struggling to remember or put in words. If we don't feel a certain doctor isn't helping, we have the right for a second opinion or to find a different doctor. Asking around for recommendations. Find several hobbies; trust me, I need several cause my body reacts differently to different activities. So I have to switch them up periodically.

May everyone reading this have God's Devine blessings and be able to accept what life has given you. Embrace it, learn from it so you too can share "your life experiences " with others

#EhlersDanlosSociety #Life with C-PTSD #mighty Art Room #lift Me Up #Chat Space# Distract Me #RapeSurvivors #MentalHealth #Conquor Your Mind #emotional Abuse Survivor #no Shame

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Fresh produce!

#chronic pain,#chronic illnesses,#MH #lift me up,#mighty minute #Distract me
Gardening provides me a distraction of all my ailments for awhile.
I nurse the plants from seed to edible food. I spread crushed egg shells around the edges of the garden box to keep the slugs and snails away. No more freebies to snack on !

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Gratefulness for the mighty!

#mighty minute, #Distract me, #lift me up
I've been with the mighty via my email for at least a couple years now.
Finding a safe place to be me! Chronically ill with daily and hourly challenges. Thanks to all the mighties here for their thoughts and support along the way!

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#lift Me Up Why can’t I find joy or laugh????? I have depression that medication doesn’t help. Even though I am on medication I still can’t laugh

I can’t laugh or find joy or humor.