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I am almost 30, I have Autism, and I need a career mentor

My career search is like being in the middle of a complicated trail without a map or directions. I have no idea how people navigate this. I am unable to drive so I want to work virtually I want to be a virtual bookkeeper. When I am job searching I am always finding jobs that require work experience which gives me anxiety because I have no work experience. I am only getting older and I am so afraid that I am going to miss the "career train". I am fearful of being penniless without any retirement savings. I want to be happy and a part time gig would be enough for me. I am painting on the side because it is my other passion in life. I have always dreamed of meeting someone who is willing to teach me the ins and outs of virtual bookkeeping and helping me find the right place to work. I have been a part of VR for quite some time but sadly they are struggling to find me a virtual bookkeeper job because they keep running into the same snags as me, which is the required work experience. #Poor #moneytroubled #Autism #AspergersSyndrome #Anxiety #Career #JobSearch #Job #money #Mentoring #help #Career


Has anyone been so stressed with money you’ve considered bankruptcy?

Credit cards have been stressing me out and I’ve become overwhelmed with the number of credit cards I have and have thought of bankruptcy. It hurts to even mention it but the credit cards have become too much. #Anxiety #moneytroubled #Debt


What now?

What to do when your best is no longer good enough?
I’m sinking. Quickly.
I feel inadequate and tearful every single second.

I work with children and feel like I am not teaching them good enough.
I’m a qualified teacher and I can’t pay my rent and bills, let alone buy food, or shell out £36 to catch a train to meet my new nephew.

I’m drowning. I am just about able to get out of bed. I don’t manage to shower, I’m barely able go drag my limbs to school.
When I’m there I can function better. The children are gorgeous and give me strength to get through. But then I hit a brick wall.
No energy to exercise.
No money to eat.
No money for heating.
Not trusting myself in my flat with sharp objects so I sit outside and mark books until my eyes wont stay open.

I need a break but can’t catch one.
My brother took his life, my partner left me, 10 years of abuse bubbled to the surface, parents move abroad, I downsize snd can’t even afford the rent. The antidepressants Aren't working, the waiting list for camh is never ending, I get pneumonia. Managers are making me feel inadequate. When I find pennies for food I can’t face it. I keep hurting myself. I can’t sleep without flashbacks of them haunting me. I miss my little bro so much it hurts. I wish I could squidge my nephew and feel the hope of new life.
I feel so hopeless.
I keep going but I can’t keep going.

#tired #Depression #Anxiety #PTSD #Abuse #moneytroubled

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What now?

What to do when your best is no longer good enough?
I’m sinking. Quickly.
I feel inadequate and tearful every single second.

I work with children and feel like I am not teaching them good enough.
I’m a qualified teacher and I can’t pay my rent and bills, let alone buy food, or shell out £36 to catch a train to meet my new nephew.

I’m drowning. I am just about able to get out of bed. I don’t manage to shower, I’m barely able go drag my limbs to school.
When I’m there I can function better. The children are gorgeous and give me strength to get through. But then I hit a brick wall.
No energy to exercise.
No money to eat.
No money for heating.
Not trusting myself in my flat with sharp objects so I sit outside and mark books until my eyes wont stay open.

I need a break but can’t catch one.
My brother took his life, my partner left me, 10 years of abuse bubbled to the surface, parents move abroad, I downsize snd can’t even afford the rent. The antidepressants Aren't working, the waiting list for camh is never ending, I get pneumonia. Managers are making me feel inadequate. When I find pennies for food I can’t face it. I keep hurting myself. I can’t sleep without flashbacks of them haunting me. I miss my little bro so much it hurts. I wish I could squidge my nephew and feel the hope of new life.
I feel so hopeless.
I keep going but I can’t keep going.

#tired #Depression #Anxiety #PTSD #Abuse #moneytroubled

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