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Who loves to read? Ever wonder how to conquer your disabilities? Well check this out.

Disabilities. How to conquer what is conquering you? BY ISSAC CURRY
This is a book written by my Pastor and its about the #1 issue I face when dealing with the anger side of my bi-polar2 disorder and I haven't read it yet because I'm not finished with my books about being a Sunday school teacher and I have a 3 week course to take in Nashville, TN so this is next in line after I finish getting my license to teach. This is my most important thing in life I want to do to help others and do God's work and open my Sunday school up in the future. Anyways this is book is based upon his personal life and since I know him personally I assure you not only is he an amazing pastor , he as well is an amazing author. I've heard this book is very inspiring and moving and has helped so many other people in this world face their biggest issue of conquering what is owning them. You deal with A voidance? Approval Addition? Anxiety? Depression? Shame? Low self- Esteem? Loneliness? Anger? Doubt? Regret? Emotional Immaturity? The list goes on. 1 out of 2 people you meet in life is dealing with some sort form of pain or emotional trauma that cannot be seen and for many it'll become their way of life. So please if you need some guidance and want to deal with conquering what's conquering you then this book is for. I hope this post helps many out their, I am certain when I get time to read it it'll help me conquer my anger.
#chronic #invisibledisabilities #pastorissaccurry #MustRead #Awarenessofthegrowingburdenofchrinicedisabilitiesinamerica #TheMighty #ifyourscareddontbeyouhaveawholeteamonyourside #yournotalone


PLEASE read until the end! #MustRead #StayPositive #illness

3 years ago I began a daily routine. (This was when I was still living a "normal" life, physically capable but living with no self-worth & mental illness). Every night, no matter what, I wrote down 3 things I was proud of myself for that day. Some days it was easy, "I went to the gym". "I did well on my exam". Other days it was harder, "I brushed my teeth". "I got out of bed". Some days, specific. "I remembered to contact someone without needing to write it down". "I ate 3 meals". After doing this regularly I realized there is something to be proud of in every day. My lack of self-worth saw huge improvement. The power of this simple practice was so beneficial for my well-being & so noticeable, I thought, imagine what else I can do? I added on 2 more parts. At the end of every day I write 3 things I am proud of myself for, 3 things I am grateful for, and 3 things that brought me joy that day.
DOING THIS DAILY WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!!! I instantly realized how easy it is to find endless joy in every day. When I first started this I lived a regular daily routine & it had an incredible impact on me. But, now that sickness = life, the impact of these daily journal entries is an unbelievable new level of life-changing.
Joy surrounds all of us everywhere we go, sometimes you just have to look. I've gotten so used to thinking about everything that brought me joy at the end of my days, that now I find & feel joy nonstop throughout my days without even trying.
Once your brain is trained to acknowledge joy daily, it will begin to naturally point out joy to you everywhere you go, without you even trying.the same goes for finding things to be grateful for & proud of yourself for.
I'm so used to naturally finding joy now that sometimes the most seemingly insignificant, teeny tiny silly thing will make my mind literally say in that moment, "this brings me joy". (probably also because my days are so dull, but, still-) it's amazing.
Joy is everywhere. Some days it'll be obvious, "Today's appointment went well". "I saw ____ for the first time in years". Other days you'll get creative/specific. "____ validating me when I opened up to them". "The way the sunlight shined through the window". "How kind our waitress was". "My egg on the pan making the shape of a fish". Some days you'll be so exhausted you cant think hard, so go simple. "Music". "Mom". "The sun".
I promise you, doing this daily will change your life in amazing ways. If physically writing your daily entries is undoable, write it in your phone, or even simply think about the list every day. If you think that 1 of these 3 considerations will bring you a lot of benefit, focus on just 1.
If you read this far, no matter what your current daily routine is I challenge you to take on at least 1 of these! At least 1, 3 entries, for at least a few days. I PROMISE doing this will change your life. Ending every day thinking about these 3 things is a great feeling that I want more people to know. I challenge you.

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PLEASE read until the end! #MustRead #StayPositive "Illness

3 years ago I began a daily routine. (This was when I was still living a "normal" life, physically capable but living with no self-worth & mental illness). Every night, no matter what, I wrote down 3 things I was proud of myself for that day. Some days it was easy, "I went to the gym". "I did well on my exam". Other days it was harder, "I brushed my teeth". "I got out of bed". Some days, specific. "I remembered to contact someone without needing to write it down". "I ate 3 meals". After doing this regularly I realized there is something to be proud of in every day. My lack of self-worth saw huge improvement. The power of this simple practice was so beneficial for my well-being & so noticeable, I thought, imagine what else I can do? I added on 2 more parts. At the end of every day I write 3 things I am proud of myself for, 3 things I am grateful for, and 3 things that brought me joy that day.
DOING THIS DAILY WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!!! I instantly realized how easy it is to find endless joy in every day. When I first started this I lived a regular daily routine & it had an incredible impact on me. But, now that sickness = life, the impact of these daily journal entries is an unbelievable new level of life-changing.
Joy surrounds all of us everywhere we go, sometimes you just have to look. I've gotten so used to thinking about everything that brought me joy at the end of my days, that now I find & feel joy nonstop throughout my days without even trying.
Once your brain is trained to acknowledge joy daily, it will begin to naturally point out joy to you everywhere you go, without you even trying.the same goes for finding things to be grateful for & proud of yourself for.
I'm so used to naturally finding joy now that sometimes the most seemingly insignificant, teeny tiny silly thing will make my mind literally say in that moment, "this brings me joy". (probably also because my days are so dull, but, still-) it's amazing.
Joy is everywhere. Some days it'll be obvious, "Today's appointment went well". "I saw ____ for the first time in years". Other days you'll get creative/specific. "____ validating me when I opened up to them". "The way the sunlight shined through the window". "How kind our waitress was". "My egg on the pan making the shape of a fish". Some days you'll be so exhausted you cant think hard, so go simple. "Music". "Mom". "The sun".
I promise you, doing this daily will change your life in amazing ways. If physically writing your daily entries is undoable, write it in your phone, or even simply think about the list every day. If you think that 1 of these 3 considerations will bring you a lot of benefit, focus on just 1.
If you read this far, no matter what your current daily routine is I challenge you to take on at least 1 of these! At least 1, 3 entries, for at least a few days. I PROMISE doing this will change your life. Ending every day thinking about these 3 things is a great feeling that I want more people to know. I challenge you.

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