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I feel negative when I'm feeling things. Especially since the issues that are currently happening around me are not about me but affect the people I care for. I feel helpless and hopeless because the situation never gets better and it feels like a never-ending cycle. I feel stuck. But I remember that I'm here on this earth for a reason. #StayPositive


Staying positive

Staying positive can be so hard when you know you have a degenerative disease like muscular dystrophy. Some days it's really hard to just get through the day. I try hard to be grateful for all the things I can still do, I'm spite of my current limitations. I'm taking this adventure one day at a time and always remembering that today is a good day to have a good day.

#StayPositive #MuscularDystrophy

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Having a hard day today, but trying to be positive #Anxiety #panickattack #StayPositive #StayStrong #MentalHealth #Selfcare

Wish I could hide in my garden today like my gnome haha. Ever have days where you can't stop crying, no matter what you try to do? And just wanna curl up in a ball and hide from the world? My anxiety is through the roof today and was yesterday too. I had a panic attack at work this morning, luckily I was able to get to a quiet room in time, so no one saw or heard me. Been doing my breathing techniques and using my senses to help ground me, but I just can't shake the feeling. Jealous of my gnome right now haha. I am happy that I get to work from home tomorrow, so I can be with my two cats! They help ground me. And I have my consultation with a new psychologist tomorrow afternoon. I'm looking forward to that and getting the process going again. I've been in search for a new psychologist for a while now. They are hard to come by in my area, so this one is a virtual appointment at our hospital. Has anyone ever had virtual appointments? I'm not sure what to expect, but I am sure it will go well :)

Hope you all have a lovely day 🤗

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Better Days To Come !!!

Just Stay Positive When it’s Good and it’s Bad !!!!! #Baddays #StayPositive #PTSD #MentalHealth

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I’m making a change for the better. I’m learning to recognise impulsive behaviour and how to keep my temper and mood swings in check.

Living with Borderline Personality Disorder and Depression is very hard. I’ve always had a terrible temper but now, thanks to these books, I’m slowly getting it all under control. I’ve learned to recognise my impulsive behaviour and how to stop it.

And I now have a meaningful relationship with my sister, Jessica. We rarely argue these days. We understand each other a bit more than we did before and it’s made all the difference.

I definitely 100% recommend these books to anyone who would like to improve their life and gain control over their depression and relationships.

Having a meaningful relationship/friendship with my sister is absolutely amazing. My life is so much better now. I don’t ever want to be that angry, petty and volatile person again.

#chronicillnesswarrior #POTS #EDS #bpd #NAFLD #InterstitialCystitis #Diabetes #Migraines #Depression #Impulsecontrol #selfhelp #CBT #ManagingStress #ChangingBehaviour #StayPositive

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I'm very glad for this community

To start with, my uncle has this rare kind of disease that made him unable to walk, and he could hardly move. He's about 26 years diagnosed of this type of disease already. Specifically, me, my grandmother, and my brother is the only one who helps him in everyday activity (eating, going to bathroom etc.), I just wanted to share my experience helping my uncle cope up with this disease. And miraculously, my uncle still stays positive, has presence of mind, can still even joke around(!), and basically all the knowledge he learnt from his past years he could still remember vividly. He's actually much good communicator than me! even tho he's just bedridden, he can tell you long stories and has a lot of knowledge about his passion, like cooking. So I'm telling you guys, even tho my uncle has this rare kind of disease, he's still so capable because his mindset is as healthy as ever you wouldn't expect. And I call it miracle from God💯



Staying Positive

What do you do to stay positive when something is bothering you? Maybe you’re experiencing depression or anxiety. Share some of the things you do to stay positive. Let’s help each other out 😀 #DistractMe #StayPositive #CopingTips