I'm new here!
Hi, my name is Linda. I'm here because I have been in the process of getting several diagnosis, and awaiting others to get started, and searching for clues about symptoms I'm experiencing with no answers. My feelings can be best described as being on an deserted island with no compass, no resources to help me survive, wondering if I will ever find my way back home.#MightyTogether #RheumatoidArthritis #Lupus #myopathyoverlapsyndrome #Osteoarthritis #SupraventricularTachycardia #Dyslexia #SleepApnea #Asthma #heartmurmur #Hyperacusis #Tinnitus #Costochondritis #ChronicPain #GERD #Chronicbronchitis #IBS #OpticNeuritis #anemic