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Bad night #SuicidalThoughts and the morningafter #Depression

So after having a bed night. Up at 2am with my mind racing with all the financial problems we (as a family) are facing, I have tried to accomplish #onesmallthing . Well it's not small. I've ignored tidying my bedroom for a while now. I've just not wanted to face the mountain of clean washing to put away.

I've manage to sort it in to piles - mine, my Husbands and our little girls. I've put some away but now I'm just sat on my bed in amongst the 3 piles and I don't want to move or finish the job.

Have to go to work in 5 hours, I've not washed, not eaten breakfast I haven't even got out of my night clothes. It's almost lunch time and I can't even face making that. I didn't have dinner last night as I just wanted to go to bed.

#selfneglect is a thing. I know I'm in a bad place right now. I'm doing the bare minimum just to make sure my little girl is clean, happy and well fed but for myself there is nothing.

Come on Amanda just get this thing finished. You can do this. Then you can think about lunch and getting washed and dressed for work.



Bad night #SuicidalThoughts and the morningafter #Depression

So after having a bed night. Up at 2am with my mind racing with all the financial problems we (as a family) are facing, I have tried to accomplish #onesmallthing . Well it's not small. I've ignored tidying my bedroom for a while now. I've just not wanted to face the mountain of clean washing to put away.

I've manage to sort it in to piles - mine, my Husbands and our little girls. I've put some away but now I'm just sat on my bed in amongst the 3 piles and I don't want to move or finish the job.

Have to go to work in 5 hours, I've not washed, not eaten breakfast I haven't even got out of my night clothes. It's almost lunch time and I can't even face making that. I didn't have dinner last night as I just wanted to go to bed.

#selfneglect is a thing. I know I'm in a bad place right now. I'm doing the bare minimum just to make sure my little girl is clean, happy and well fed but for myself there is nothing.

Come on Amanda just get this thing finished. You can do this. Then you can think about lunch and getting washed and dressed for work.
