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I finally got one

After 15 years of being told by someone else I was not “allowed” to buy a mustang, I finally went out and gone one. And I love it!


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Acceptance #lovinglife #LunarDi #Seeker of truth

I have read the journey of many on “The Mighty
I am inspired to speak of the Courageous Souls sharing their heartaches and triumphs. I am here to tell you that the joy is in the journey ! The insight and growth that you develop along this path will find you great peace 🙏and comfort

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Pain Patch #ChronicPain #TrigeminalNeuralgia #ChronicIllness

My wonderful Doctor gave me a prescription of lidocaine patches. Which normally in the UK I would have to go to a pain specialist to get, as they are very expensive.

But on friday when I spoke to him and explained how much pain I'm in, he upped my normal medication and prescribed the patches as well.
As I'm nearly as the top end of the epileptic meds I take for the facial pain. The other med I take is already quite high and was only upped in october, so we are both reluctant to up that one.

I tried the patch on a small place first to make sure I wasnt allergic and I was fine. It's rather strange Wearing it as all of a sudden I can not feel that part of my face and I want to touch it. It feels like the patch has fallen off. Which of cause it hasn't 😁.

I can still feel the pain but it is blooming marvellous fanbloodytastic. Over the blooming moon.

I've had this dam disease since 2017 tried some many different epileptic meds to stop the nerves firing off in my brain,sending out pain signals that are excruciating on both sides of my head and face.😫

Shame I cant wear it on the top of my skull. But I dont want to shave my hair off. No no no
I'll have to live with the hammering inside my skull when that sets off 🥴🥴🥴🥴

Tomo I might try to cut in into shape to fit up to my eye. But I'm taking it slowly to make sure I dont show any allergic reaction first.

Thankyou my wonderful Doctor. 💓❤💓❤💓❤💓❤💓❤💓❤💓❤💓❤💓❤💓

#RareDisease #MedicalZebra #Zebra #lovinglife #Painwarriors #Love #Hugs #Anxiety #PanicAttack #PanicDisorder #stayingstrong #Tj #checkonyourneighbours #Positivity #CheckInWithMe #DistractMe #gome #Doctors #NHS #Greatnhs #Lidocainepatch

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Someone is comfy #MightyPets #DistractMe #CheckInWithMe

Well Pedro definitely looks comfy but I'm going to have to move him so I can stretch my tired aching legs out.
As this silly puppy is on MY side of the king size bed!!!!! cheek of it. 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
There is soooooo much room. Why is he looking so cute and teddy like there.

#Arthritis #Chronicpainwarrior #ObsessiveCompulsiveandRelatedDisorders #TherapyDogs #lovinglife #AnxietyTriggers #TrigeminalNeuralgia #PsoriaticArthritis #RareDisease #MentalHealthStigma #ServiceDogsForChronicPain #PanicDisorder #SuicidalThoughtsAndTendencies #HighlysensitivePerson

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I got called 'mental' #CheckInWithMe

Today I was introduced to new neighbours that are about to move in opposite me by the manager of the office. He introduced me and said this is your new neighbour she is a bit mental.
I'm a bit ************
I quickly said no I'm not I'm quirky. As well I am. 😂🤣😁
I've never been quite right lol.
I dont mind being called quirky or words like that. But to be introduced by mental. I took offense and I know itll play on my mind now for days, itll keep me awake and even cause me nightmare.
So what do I do now !!@???*** confused.confused...com #mentalconfusion #AnxietyTriggers #PanicAttacks #why #DepressiveDisorders #Chronicpainwarrior #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #HighlysensitivePerson #lovinglife