Hi, my name is JolleyRecovery. I'm here because of my own mental health conditions but more urgently, my 17 yr old son's schizoaffective DX on top of his ADHD, rage disorder, agoraphobia, severe anxiety, depression and PTSD related to sexual trauma. he's spiraling and only four months till 18 and I'm terrified. The mental health system in our state/county is failing him. particularly because we are in poverty and in Medicaid, so the things available to us are limited. Last Friday he attacked his 29 yr old brother for one simple statement that he was voting for Trump. my 17 yr old has very grandiose thoughts and thinks he's more knowledgeable on ANY subject than anyone else. he's highly offended by the orange guy. He instantly jumped to his feet, yelling about women's rights (he wasn't wrong lol) and how dare his brother say that he was voting for him... my oldest attempt to deescalate him failed and my youngest just launched at him, throwing fists and my oldest had no choice but to defend himself while trying to get away. my house got busted up, and my youngest actually grabbed a huge kitchen knife and was going to stab his brother. when I saw him head to the kitchen I just knew and I pushed my oldest out the front door and said take my car, keys in it, RUNNN NOW.. he didn't want to leave me but I knew I wasn't the Target. he ran out and I grabbed a hold of other sons arm and clothes to slow him down and ended up thrown to the floor and stomped on several times. I have a broken rib and a messed up shoulder and lotsa bruising and a goose egg. his eyes were pitch black, his face slack -- lights were on but no one was home he was in such a rage. He threatened suicide by cop in a regular so I had to let things cool off while I texted for help. anyhow, 3 days in a padded room in the ER, being promised they would find a psych bed for him, be patient mom, helps coming... easy for them to say when they weren't trapped in a room with someone who had just assaulted them and promised to kill them and kept saying it for hours as I was forced to stay by his side at the hospital, under threat of them calling CPS if I left! I finally said call them idgaf I'm going to smoke I'm not just going to sit here being abused! anyhow, there's WAYYY more but too much for My intro. sorry it's so long. I'm just so ALONE and desperate for help. they discharged him home two days later saying that because he had no active plan at the EXACT moment they're interviewing him, that he doesn't meet the criteria for inpatient hospitalization. He BEGGED them to place him, for help, even said he wasn't sure he wouldn't snap five minutes after leaving hospital and hurt himself or someone else. NOPE sorry ya don't meet the criteria. WTF is wrong with this country??! help?

#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #BipolarDisorder #Fibromyalgia #Migraine #PTSD #ADHD #Grief #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #assault #juvenilementalhealth #Parenting #parentingschizophrenia #ReactiveAttachmentDisorder #Inpatient