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I just got out of inpatient a few days ago and everything just seems like it’s too much. I hate this feeling like I can’t overcome my anxiety without a Xanax. #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #Bipolar2Disorder #Inpatient


My brain 🧠 and the rest of me went on a journey that I hadn’t experienced before. April 5, 2021 I ended up in the Crisis Center, and the ultimate decision was to put me up into the inpatient behavioral health unit.

I was up there for five days and got the care I needed. The depression piece of my Schizoaffective Disorder was acting up for awhile, and to say the least was not making myself feel very great. However, I had a wonderful experience, and unfortunately I know not everyone has a wonderful inpatient experience, so I really consider myself lucky.

Everyone that I encountered on the staff team was wonderful, caring, and seemed to love what they did. They also cared about ME and didn’t just think of me as a number to be discharged. Heck, before I left everyone asked me if I felt ready, but for the most part I was. Luckily, I will also be set up with the aftercare program I’ve been with in the past, and scheduled appointments with my psychiatrist and psychologist.

I can’t specifically (literally can’t because of HIPPA, and plus that’s THEIR story) tell you how just amazing my fellow residents of the inpatient unit were, but I will never forget them. I sincerely wish them and nothing but the best on their journeys. They were all such beautiful people, and they deserve the best. 💕

As all of you know I try to advocate for mental health and wellness and I feel it is best if I share my stories, hoping it’ll help someone else. I hope my story shared the fact that not every Crisis Center/inpatient stay has to be horrible. Please if you’re having a mental struggle don’t hesitate to ask me questions or whatnot. If you aren’t able to do so please call one of the numbers below or go to your nearest ER or Crisis center for an evaluation if your mental health is feeling overwhelming and unbearable.Your life is important and you have some much more to do. There are people rooting for you to overcome your illness, and so am I! You can do this! You’re a beautiful soul and you got this! Stay strong my wonderful friends. ❤️💕

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255

National Hopeline Network

National Alliance on Mental Illness 1-800-950-6264

Crisis Text Line

National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependance (NCADD)

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

Sexual Abuse

National Domestic Violence Hotline

#MentalHealth #mentalwellness #reachout #Inpatient #crisiscenter #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #Depression #Psychosis #Anxiety #Advocacy #mystory

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#Hospital #Inpatient #physcward

Currently an inpatient in hospital for my head Iv had a bit of a breakdown. I’m struggling a lot amd still self harming. There are no staff the ones that are here are rude most of them. I’m mixing with the other patients but most the time in my room because I’m exhausted. Any tips on getting me through this would be really appreciated


A Moment of Transparency

I’m sitting at my new desk, in a new office, with the new promotion I received a few months ago. I just finished reading another book yesterday. 2 years ago, I was preparing to start a new job in the industry I’m currently in. I was also a newly discharged patient from a psych hospital but was recovering from a mental health relapse. I filled out my on board paperwork wrong and struggled greatly with short-term memory and reading comprehension.
This year, I completed an intense training class, I’m certified in adult mental health first aid, became a co-author again, & attended my second virtual mental health summit this past weekend. I’m still healing & I’m working towards & focused on the future. Just so you know, I am NOT my anxiety/depression diagnosis. I am NOT my trauma. I AM an overcomer. God is good & He is my healer. #Anxiety #Depression #Inpatient #MentalHealth #MentalIllness #Church #Christianity

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Birthday in a facility

Turning 23 in a psychiatric facility. Have been forced inpatient involuntarily since April. Scared I will spend holidays here too. My birthday is on Saturday. I am so sad. #Bipolar1 #Inpatient #facility #Inpatient #involuntary #302 #courtordered #Depression #Holidays #merakey #eac


Have any of you gone to a hospital for a mental health condition/ outpatient unit?

I'd love to learn more about your experience being hospitalized and what the discharge process was like for you. Did you feel like they discharged you at the right time and if so did you feel like you had the right care afterwards? Would love to chat to you about this :D. #Hospital #Outpatient #Inpatient #Bipolar #

See full photo

I love taking pics of landscapes and nature, even spiders!

TW: selfharm and suicidal ideation mentioned.

I took this picture after I got out of my doctor appointment and I just thought of how amazing it is that this spider let me take a picture of it without jumping out of sight, and how good it is at camouflaging. I only saw it when it was moving.

I also took this picture in the day time when I was feeling mild depressive symptoms, but how quickly things can change in an instant, especially with having BPD and OCD, triggers are almost inevitable. By night, I was distraught with so much negative feelings and so hopeless. I’ve been avoiding for some time my suicidal ideation and blocking myself from reaching out for help. I did act on my urge and took pills. Now I’m in a BH inpatient hospital for the past 5 days. And I don’t think I’m getting out anytime soon, as I self-harmed and escaped twice. I miss my family, but I also feel more lonely when I’m at home. I’m just going to leave this thought on a positive one: I’ll reach try to get better and do one coping skill a day. Start small. I don’t know how to just yet, but I will learn to be pro-active rather than reactive. Please leave some hopeful words if you can I’d really like to read anything positive at this point! I’m still in the hospital and a lot of triggering things have happened. I need support.
#Inpatient #Anxiety #Depression #Suicide #Selfharm #ObsessiveCompulsiveandRelatedDisorders #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #CheckInWithMe #Photography #Healing


Hospitalization Tomorrow 😬 !

It’s the night before I get admitted for treatment and therapies for my chronic illnesses. Last year I was in the same program for 3 weeks. I don’t know what the time frame will look like this time. I’m realizing just how much I’m going to miss my family. My mom has been my main caretaker for so long and my advocate. She’s my best friend. So wish me luck, here I go... #Hospital #Inpatient #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #FunctionalNeurologicalSymptomDisorder