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Disposable #medicaldiscrimination #MedicareQuotas #systemicelderabuse #qaly #daly #medicalgaslighting #disposablehumans #elderdiscard

In the past two years, I have been denied access to mental health care by 25 clinics in Oregon, 5 clinics in Nevada, and 2 in Kansas for being at their Medicare quotas. In the past, 5 months, I have received a formal dismissal letter from the ENTIRE Kansas University Physicians Network, received dismissive treatment by a doctor at Overland Park Regional Emergency Department who used the code word, GOMER (Get them Out of My ER) when speaking with an aid about me, AND, after a CT scan at Menorah Hospital in which they found a 5mm nodule in one of my lungs, discharged me with instructions to follow-up in ONE YEAR! No bronchoscopy, no biopsy.

I have called a State Ombudsman who told me to call the Governor's Advocacy Office because they only help with Medicaid. The Governor's Advocacy Office told me to call the Ombudsman's office for the same reason. I called NAMI and was told to make a report to the Federal Comptroller. I lodged a complaint with KU Patient Services and my Medicare Advantage plan Quality of Care department as well as with the State Board of Behavioral Arts and Sciences. I tried to hire an attorney through 3 different firms for a medical negligence case and was told there is a conflict between law and fact. The facts are I have extensive, detailed documentation. The law states it is legal for my healthcare to be deprioritized on the basis of QALYs and DALYs.

I am 61 years old, disabled, on SSDI and Medicare and feel I am being treated as if I am a disposable human whom society falsely perceives as no longer having anything of value to contribute and who should stop stealing air from those perceived as being worthy.

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Retaliatory Dismissal #qaly

I submitted a complaint to my Medicare Advantage Health Insurance Provider about the incompetence of my pulmonary doctor's nurse because she dropped the ball on the referrals he requested, failed to put in the request for prior authorization for a medication he prescribed to be covered by my insurance, failed to respond to me when I inquired about the referrals and prior authorization, then when she finally did respond 2-weeks later, proceeded to blame the lab, imaging clinic, pharmacy, health insurance, and me for her failure. In addition, she flat-out lied in her notes on the interaction between her and I as well as wording it as though I am being non-cooperative and non-compliant.

As soon as my healthcare provider got wind of the investigation by my insurance provider, I received a retaliatory dismissal letter advising me that I will no longer be treated (except for any urgent care needs for 30-days from the date of the letter; after which, I must go elsewhere). I have been with this healthcare provider since 2004 and they are now telling me the relationship has become "ineffective"? What I think they mean to say, with their 'politically correct' wording, is the relationship has stopped being cost-effective for them.