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Labeled manic because I am doing well

What is with people? They see you only through the lens of a diagnosis? Couldnt I be doing well in my hobbies and life because I have worked hard and gone through pain and self-reflection and found my strength to get to this point? I was told I am in a phase only. Manic. As I was doing way better than that person at our common hobby. And had upcoming things that she is unable to do. Wonderful accomplished things. And have been joyful. I unfortunately reacted some. And that I guess is what she wanted to confirm that I am crazy. Then she has to tell someone I will need taking care of later on. People cannot do things themselves. They have to put you down and label you not ok or sick. Then I see her a few days later and she talks to me like nothing happened. How to handle this? And why do people do this? #Bipolar #Manic #Stigma #labeling #narcissism

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Fathers Day

I didn't call my Dad on Father's Day. I forgot to but mostly I didn't want to. I said I would call the next day, but I started dissociating, and just rotting in my bed not wanting to leave. I feel guilty for not calling and the longer I leave it, I know the conversation is gonna be more uncomfortable. I know that he will make me feel worse about it, he always does.

I have recently started to deal (mostly think) about the relationship I have with my Dad. I'm scared. I don't want to deal with this. I don't remember ever seeing my parents as perfect. I understand that they are flawed, they are human. But I worry that I truly don't know my Dad. I try to but he doesn't let me. My mum thinks my dad shows traits of narcissism, when I read about it, I just shut down. When I try to think of him, I can’t seem to remember anything. I was upset with my Dad and I told him and I said that I will tell him soon. Then my grandmother died, his mum. Everyone wanted me to just tell him wants wrong so he didn't have to deal with not being close to me and losing his mother at once. I was going to tell him why, but before I could my auntie told me that I should be more grateful that he is in my life at all. I know she is just projecting her own issues onto me, But it still made me feel guilty and like I'm being dramatic. When I tried to tell him, I just couldn’t do it, the word got trapped, and then I couldn’t even remember what I wanted to say. I just started to cry a lot. I every time I'm around him I feel like I become an obedient child again.

I'm trying to write him a letter my counsellor says this might be a better way. But when I try to I just freeze and forget want I wanted to say. I want to at least tell my Dad the problem so that maybe he can change like my mum did. But I feel so unable to. I worry constantly that he might die - this is mostly irrational. But I worry about not being close to him before he goes, I love him but it hurts.

I'm also upset with him because it was my birthday not long ago, I just turned 21, and he didn't call. I was anxious about talking to him so in some ways I'm glad he didn't but it also really hurt me that he didn't call. Feels like he is punishing me. He avoids explaining why he didn't call when I asked and instead told me he got surgery on his eye recently. He does this often, when he is angry with me for something he tells me something bad that has been going on with him and then never mentions it again, even when I ask.

Any advice would be appreciated

#rant #daddy issues #narcissism #Family


Dealing with my father who is lying to and about me

My father and I shared a close relationship for 48 years until my mother died. I'm an only child. I had a difficult relationship with my mother due to her aggressive personality and insistence that she was always right. She died years ago and while she was dying and immediately afterwards - unbeknownst to me he established a relationship with a woman who became my mother's best friend while she was dying from pancreatic cancer. He didn't tell me about this new relationship until they had already become committed to each other. My father always had narcissistic tendencies, and his new woman (whom he married a year to the day after my mother's funeral) indulges him in these tendencies to the point where he became insufferable. I haven't seen him in seven years or spoken to him in six. It is on my heart to do something about this, but because I intrinsically knew he was lying in the beginning I couldn't accept this new relationship. Since then I have found out that he has repeatedly lied and defamed my and my wife's character to many people, while trying to contact me maintaining that he doesn't know what he's done wrong.

Is there any point to trying to re-establish contact with my father at this point?

#narcissism #manipulation #Lying

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I hate everyone trying to describe what I’ve been through as MDSA

It’s too much but they won’t stop. I can’t handle it. I can’t take it. What if they’re right to say that’s my experience. What if they’re wrong? What if it’s true to the narc mom I had. Was she really that bad? Of course she is, but I don’t want her to be

Someone help me with this I can’t take it it’s too much. Why do I have to live my life this way with her. WHY?!



Shame game

As someone with anxiety I’m always in my head. It’s a battle to make sure that I don’t let myself explore the outer fringe too much. But when you’re the victim of emotional abuse…it’s hard! Because the abuse is compounded by the same you feel. I try and try and get torn apart…the shame of having to beg, to be telling someone you’re trying and you are a good person. It’s a disgust in myself like I have never felt!! Anyone else experienced shame during abuse? #Shame #Abuse #narcissism


One of the saddest things about being a victim of abuse, is when the abuser is loved by everyone on the outside

No one would have suspected my mom was a horrifying abuser. She was so good at keeping up appearances and putting on a fake front that no one suspected her as an abuser. When she died, they all cried and lamented on her being a "good mother". Actively choosing to look the other way when abuse presented itself

This is why victims don't come forward, Abusers are very smart and crafty. They isolate their victims and unleash their fury behind closed doors. But in the public eye they make sure they look great. So when you come forward, they will dismiss you. Especially in cases of child abuse

If a child or teenager or anyone comes to you about abuse, don't think "no way that person is an abuser, they are so nice!". Narcissists live on this treatment. Choose the victims side and listen. Many evil people live in a facade and fool you. Even if they don't act abusive in front of you or towards you, if you look close enough, you can see through their BS.

#Abuse #narcissism #Trauma


From the Inside...

For the first time in a while, I feel a calm from the inside. I got some new books on self help, one of which is an art therapy workbook. I also made a plan of action pertaining to my mom's husband. I'm holding him to come through with his promises and I'll do my part, but I refuse to shoulder all of the effort. And what I didn't know was that narcissistic fathers tend to discard daughters at a certain age. I'm still learning to navigate through this, but I truly am ok right now. #MentalHealth #Depression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #narcissism

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I have, after almost 15 years of marriage and an escalation of issues, realized that my husbands bad attitude, mean words, and refusal to communicate or be concerned about feelings (mine and our 4 kids), is due to him being narcissistic. I have come to the determination that I would be better off not being in this marriage any longer. However, I am currently trapped. I have been a stay-at-home parent throughout the entirety of the marriage, therefore I have no income of my own that I could rely on to support myself and my kids if I left. I am looking into getting a job (even though he doesn’t know that yet), but I am really worried because I have Fibromyalgia and CFS, along with a laundry list of other health difficulties, so I am very worried that even if I can get hired somewhere that won’t be too strenuous on me, my bad symptom days could cause serious problems for me to wake up and get to my job everyday. I am working on obtaining my Bachelors in Community Health through an online program, but I am still a few years away from completing it due to me taking only one class at a time. I also have to worry about my two daughters. One is 19 the other will be 18 in a couple months and both still live at home and have a long list of chronic health problems themselves that I have to help them manage. The 19 year old even has Aspergers and was recently diagnosed with BPD to go along with the EoE, Ehlers Danlos, and AMPS that she has. The soon to be 18 year old has CFS, depression, EoE, and Dysautonomia. My oldest son is 16 and is actually my stepson, but to me he is just my child since I have been his mom since he was 8 months old. However, I know if I leave my husband, I won’t be able to take him with me since my husband is his legal guardian. My youngest son is 13, has ADHD and still has several years of school left. So, even though I feel it would be better for me to leave, I have to consider my kids and their needs. I don’t have family to turn to for help, nor friends either. The couple of friends I have are actually joint friends to both me and my husband, not just mine, and are struggling financially themselves so are not in a position of helping me even if I asked. I simply don’t know what to do. I am horribly unhappy and tired of being emotionally neglected and abused. I need a game plan, but am not sure what steps to take to create one. Any words of advice or simply understanding would be very appreciated right now. Thanks for reading! Sorry for the lengthy post! #narcissism #Fibromyalgia #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #EmotionalAbuse #amps #EosinophilicEsophagitis #ADHD #Support #Dysautonomia #Aspergers #Feelingtrapped