Surviving a chaotic week
Hi everyone, a week ago I posted about my upcoming week with jury duty, work and the 3 doctor appointments I had to get through, two of which were to meet new doctors and one where because of an eye procedure I wouldn't be able to see that day. Well, I survived it, yay! Each day I was on pins and needles waiting to find out if I had to go into court and how I was going to juggle my schedule if I did. Thankfully, my juror number was high enough it was never called. The anxiety I carried all week wiped me out and by yesterday, I felt pretty exhausted. Who knows how I got myself into a week like that but I'll tell you I'm looking forward to a very boring week ahead! I hope everyone has a great week!
#Retinal Vein Occlusion
#Bipolar II
#occipital Neuralgia