Occipital Neuralgia

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Occipital Neuralgia
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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is Slappy. I'm here because I have Fibromyalgia, chronic occipital neuralgia, spondylitis, myofascial pain and the laundry list of symptoms that go with all of that. I’m now in the throes with bacterial pneumonia, going on month three.
I have a younger adult daughter who got diagnosed at 20 with autism and suffers from chronic pain with TMJD and sinus issues.
Despite numerous medical treatments for the both of us, chronic pain is ruining our lives. Neither of us work but would love to have the ability to at least work from home. Places of business could not accommodate the needs we have, nor the comfort.

#MightyTogether #Fibromyalgia

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Working with chronic daily head pain

Hi all,
This is my first post and I’m hoping ye can share your experience of work whilst having OCcipital Neuralgia with some other complications. Differential diagnosis of cervicogenic headache.
Ive had daily head pain since June ‘21. Never suffered from head pain before. Diagnosis and meds keep changing. Also have daily migraine, fatigue and motion sickness. The only treatment that has worked are GON blocks but this only lasts 5 weeks.
Tried Botox with no success.
I’ve been out of work since October and beginning to think this may become permanent.
Seven years till retirement age.
Work from home for a call centre with excellent pay and conditions so hard to walk away.
Anyone have advice about how they have successfully returned to work with chronic head pain and fatigue?
Thanks everyone.

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Do I have occipital neuralgia?

I have constantly been having this awful pain on the back of my head towards the bottom (sometimes burning, crawling or extreme pressure) it then wraps around the whole left side of my head and into my face/eye (tingling, burning, pain). It feels like a rubber band of pressure that wraps horizontally from back of head and over. My neurologist classified them as migrainous-like. However, I have no light, sound or smell sensitivity. Also, the pain is felt in the left side of my neck and both arms. The pain is constant and has not left for 2 years. I've tried Gabapentin and Amitripyline but I didn't like the side effects. A family medicine doctor prescribed me Cymbalta to try and I have felt anything after 2 weeks yet. Any thoughts? The pain is so debilitating that I just lay around all day and can barely get housework done and take care of kids/husband.

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Find support and inspiration in our group for people with Dynamic Challenges who refuse to let limitations hold them back from enjoying, loving and living life and the great outdoors.
#Dysautonomia #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #OccipitalNeuralgia

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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is Beck Noyes. I’ve read many articles from the Mighty online. I was surprised many of my diagnoses didn’t come up when I was signing up. I do have a few more rarer syndromes, including CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome/reflex sympathetic dystrophy - I have it full body and internal organs), gastroparesis, POTS, IBS, GERD, Fibromyalgia, chronic migraines, occipital neuralgia, chronic pain syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, OCD, C-PTSD, and an undiagnosed heart condition, possible undiagnosed other conditions.

#MightyTogether #AutismSpectrumDisorder

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Very intense neck pain

#Undiagnosed #neck #OccipitalNeuralgia ?

I’m hoping someone has experienced this and can give me some insight; my doctor can’t figure it out.

I have recurring, intermittent pain just behind and below my left ear, at the side of my neck and just above jawline; usually in place but sometimes I can feel it radiate down my neck and into the top of my shoulder a little as well. The pain is incredibly intense, like a pulsing sun exploding over and over in the same place, in 1-2 second intervals.

Sometimes it lasts for five seconds, sometimes for hours. No known triggers or consistency. No pain inside the ear at all and no apparent physical markings.

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#Migraine #JointHypermobilitySyndrome #ThoracicOutletSyndrome #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome

I have been diagnosed with POTS, hypermobility, CRPS, thoracic outlet syndrome and (a few other things that may or may not be related).

My new neurologist diagnosed me with migraines. I believe that diagnosis fits better than occipital neuralgia, which is what previous neurologist diagnosed me as having.

My new neurologist prescribed Emgality because I have been having 2-3 moderate to severely painful migraines per week. I just took my first double dose today. I was wondering if anyone here has taken it, what side effects (if any) you experienced, and did it work for you?

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