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Emotional After Job Interview #jobinterview

Just had a job interview over the phone. There ended up being 5 people running the interview. Mentioned that I have health issues as it may pertain to the job, and their response was basically that they were thankful that I was open about it and that it will not have any impact on whether I get hired or not. If I am hired, then we will have a conversation about how to set up any accommodations that may be needed.

It was all completely positive. I just have no idea why I find myself crying on and off. I’m not happy or sad or really any emotion, I just keep finding myself all of a sudden crying. Maybe it’s relief that the interview is over. Maybe it’s finally feeling overwhelmed/stress/anxiety that I didn’t know I was even feeling. I wasn’t even really looking for a job, I got a message on LinkedIn that progressed all the way to this interview. Tears are just happening and I have no idea why.

#ImposterSyndrome #Anxiety #Disabled #Scientist

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#CheckInWithMe #CheerMeOn

Job interview today.
Vet trip for my boy.
ER trip for me.
Badly sprained neck/upper spine, stressed about completing homework, worried about writing a final exam, hosting a Mighty event Saturday, and through it all, I have Him and my boy.
In this moment, I am okay. In this moment, I am at peace. I am where I am meant to be.
It’ll be okay. It’s just a little bump in the road. I am okay. I am human. I am perfectly imperfect. #Anxiety #Teacher #Scientist #PTSD #ServiceDog #ChronicIllness #Depression