Morning fog and frost
Morning fog and frost on the fields. Fog spilling over hill and frost on the field in the foreground. #Nature , #Sky , #fog , #Beauty , #Asthma , #Sarcoidosis , #chronic pain,
#spinal cord stimulator
It's migration time for Hummingbirds on there way to warmer areas for the winter
A bit of color well before sunrise.
# nature, #Sky ,#chronic pain, #Sarcoidosis ,#spinal cord stimulator
Moon hidden by clouds
Had some energy and fresh vegis from neighbors garden. Long day, but tasted scrumptious. Tomato, zuchinni, onion, kalamata olive, garlic, olive oil and Italian seasoning.
Does any one get ketamine infusions? Frequency? Dosage? Protocol? Who prescribed & oversees? Cost? Are you able to get insurance coverage, reimbursement, or any thing to help w expense? Has anyone head about the clinical trials of ketamine to improve fatigue for MS? I have a demyelinating syndrome & connective tissue dx (both have no name), degenerative spine disease, and I recently got diagnosed w DISH (diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis). I’ve had 8 spinal fusion surgeries w plates screws and rods. DISH causes extra bone growth, specifically bone spurs on my spine. These bone spurs connected to form a bridge, a bridged osteophyte complex T5-T11 #MultipleSclerosis #Scoliosis #SpinalFusion #SpinalStenosis #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #AnkylosingSpondylitis #MixedConnectiveTissueDiseaseMCTD #spinal
Hey Mighties just wanted to share briefly the surgery went well. Its been 6 weeks. Physical therapy has been tough due to my over enthusiasm 😕. Overall things are going well and I need to trust the recovery process. Me with my walker and brace.
I’m new here. Interested in #spinal #Fusion #mobility #Neuropathy
#FootDrop content and connections
Making it! Woke up at 3 am screaming took all my meds waited for them to kick in before going to bathroom. Stayed up till 8:30am and took some meds to help me sleep. Woke up at 12:30pm screaming in pain. Same ole routine meds, pain I just am chasing a Monster. Have an appointment with a new pain management doctor in a week. Female this time, will discuss pain pump, maybe this is my answer????Beautiful day outside couldn't go out. #spinal Stroke #Pain Pump #It s a Beautiful Day