Ketamine Infusions for MS? Does any one get ketamine infusions? Frequency?
Does any one get ketamine infusions? Frequency? Dosage? Protocol? Who prescribed & oversees? Cost? Are you able to get insurance coverage, reimbursement, or any thing to help w expense? Has anyone head about the clinical trials of ketamine to improve fatigue for MS? I have a demyelinating syndrome & connective tissue dx (both have no name), degenerative spine disease, and I recently got diagnosed w DISH (diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis). I’ve had 8 spinal fusion surgeries w plates screws and rods. DISH causes extra bone growth, specifically bone spurs on my spine. These bone spurs connected to form a bridge, a bridged osteophyte complex T5-T11 #MultipleSclerosis #Scoliosis #SpinalFusion #SpinalStenosis #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #AnkylosingSpondylitis #MixedConnectiveTissueDiseaseMCTD #spinal